Proper treatment of itching in the eyes with allergies can only be carried out by a qualified specialist, an ophthalmologist. You should not prescribe funds for yourself and do the procedures at home.
Itchy eyes appear for several reasons. These include environmental factors, disturbances in the work of the endocrine organs. Therefore, it is impossible to understand why unpleasant signs appeared.
Itching is treated with:
- antihistamine drug;
- antibacterial drug;
- steroid drops and ointments;
- saline solution;
- green tea;
- purified water.
The sequence of treatment for allergies
- When a person experiences itching in the eyes, he needs to find out if he is a symptom of an allergy. Most of the time, that's exactly what happens. With an allergic reaction, the patient's eyelids swell, puffiness appears, which makes it difficult to open the eyes, a veil appears, tearing. If such symptoms occur, it is possible to determine with a high degree of probability that a person has an allergy. Treatment involves avoiding allergens that cause negative reactions.
- Treatment should include cleaning the apartment from dust and dirt in order to eliminate unpleasant itching and prevent its occurrence in the future. It is better not to have pets, or if you already have them, then do not be near them. Close doors and windows tightly.
- Itching can be treated with oral antihistamines, such as drops containing histamine. This kind of means block the synthesis of histamine, which causes the elimination of itching. It must be remembered that older generation antihistamines have some side effects. So, they can cause drowsiness, lethargy. Do not use such products before driving a vehicle. Many of these eye drops are sold in pharmacies even without a prescription. In the case when such drugs do not work, it is worth going to a doctor for a consultation, who will prescribe drops containing steroids.
- If the cause of the itching is not determined, it is worth going to the doctor, who will write out directions for the necessary examinations. Such a disease is a consequence of bacterial infection. Itching in this case is complemented by loss of eyelashes, dry skin, its peeling, and other signs. To treat such a disease, you need to use antibacterial ointments or drops, such as Erethromycin, Gentamicin, Ofloxacin.
- You can eliminate itchy sensations without the use of drugs. They can be cured with natural remedies. So, salted water is suitable for washing, it removes dust well and has an antibacterial effect. To prepare such a solution, stir a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiled water. Apply it for three days in a row.
- You can eliminate itching with the help of green tea due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is necessary to boil water, pour it into a cup and put two tea bags. When it is brewed, cool and rinse your eyes with it until the itching is completely gone.
Causes of itchy eyes
Depending on the factor that causes itching, the skin of the eyelids and the mucous membranes of the eyes may be negatively affected. This kind of phenomenon indicates that the process of wound healing is taking place above the eye area.
Often itching is complemented by tearing. It can also occur after an eye injury, with diseases of the organs of vision, colds, allergies. If tearing occurs in a small child, this means that his tear ducts are clogged.
The feeling of itching in the eyes is one of the signs of various diseases of the organs of vision that need urgent medical advice. Such diseases include:
- glaucoma;
- dendritic keratitis;
- ulceration of the cornea.
Do not forget that timely treatment is the key to a speedy recovery!
Itching in the eyes with allergies
Allergy manifestations can be very different - deformation of the transparent membrane covering the sclera, and the inner part of the eyelid that surrounds the eye. Allergic agents that are in the air can cause itching. These include:
- pollen from various plants that bloom in summer or spring;
- particles of pet hair;
- bird feathers;
- house dust.
There is an itch in the eye and from the fact that a person is in contact with various kinds of chemicals: household chemicals, cosmetics.
Pollen allergy or hay fever is considered an incorrect reaction of the immune system to plant pollen. So, pollen from the environment penetrates the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eyes, causing severe itching and sneezing. When pollen enters the bronchi or comes into contact with the skin, signs of allergy begin to appear.
Allergies contribute to a decrease in the quality of life, and sometimes can be the cause of death.
You should immediately consult a doctor when diagnosing such diseases:
- angioedema
- contact allergic dermatitis;
- bronchial asthma;
- serum sickness;
- atopic dermatitis;
- allergic rhinitis, cough;
- anaphylactic shock;
- hay fever;
- allergic asthma, urticaria;
- external allergic alveolitis.
Provoking factors
An allergy provokes the appearance of such a symptom as itchy eyes. So, during the flowering of certain plants, there is a burning sensation. Particles of dirt that are on the face can cause skin irritation. Therefore, you need to wash your face more often, rinse your eyes. If this is not done, the sebaceous secret will provoke discomfort, will provoke the development of allergies.
Also, itching appears because foreign objects, insects get into the eyes. You can not touch the mucous membrane with dirty hands, it is better to rinse it with running clean water, or use a handkerchief. Immediately you need to move the foreign object to the corner of the eye, and then get it.
If any chemical agents, gaseous or liquid, get into the eyes, it is worth rinsing them immediately. You can't delay.
Causes redness of the eyes trichiasis. Its clear sign is the growth of eyelashes in the wrong direction. For this reason, it is impossible to completely close the eyelids and provide the protection they need.
In inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the eyes, the inner part of the eyelid is covered with a thin film, the blood vessels expand. Because of this, the eyes turn red, and there is a release of a large number of tears.
Due to the fact that there is not enough fatty secretion and the tear film is poorly protected from evaporation, dry eye syndrome occurs. This reaction is most often observed in older people. It is provoked by dry indoor air, cigarette smoke, hot climate, wearing contact lenses.
Symptoms of eye itching
Depending on the disease, various signs of eye itching may appear. Most often, it is complemented by redness of the eyelids and proteins. This happens because there is an allergy or an eye disease.
Most often, sticky discharge appears, which, when solidified, form a crust. It provokes itching and the appearance of pain. Thus, the solution of the problem becomes much more difficult at times. Often, redness and discomfort in the eyes occur in the morning and in the evening.
Symptoms of conjunctivitis are swelling and redness of the eyes. They can be supplemented by secretions of pus or mucus, burning, intense lacrimation. Depending on the type of pathology, certain signs are noted.
So, if a person has barley, he has itching and swelling of the edge of the eyelid, pain when touched, lacrimation, fever, weakness, migraine.
It is necessary to emphasize that much depends on the disease itself, which is diagnosed only by a doctor. Therefore, when the first signs appear: burning, itching, pain, you should immediately contact a doctor who will prescribe an individual treatment.
Redness and itching of the eyes
In most cases, redness and itching of the eyes indicates that a person has serious problems with the organs of vision. One of the most popular ailments is conjunctivitis. If a person has this disease, his eyes turn red and itch, clouding occurs, very high light sensitivity, a feeling of sand in them. Crust-forming discharge may appear from time to time.
This indicates that the patient has inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes. Such a disease of a viral nature is observed on the inside of the eyelid, the shell of the eyeball.
Allergic conjunctivitis manifests itself not in one, but in two eyes at once. It occurs due to exposure to environmental substances that cause allergies. Exacerbate this infection disease. In addition to redness, the patient's eyes are baked, sometimes a runny nose develops. This disease is considered one of the most common.
Itching and redness can be caused by foreign objects entering the body on the mucous membranes, plant pollen, chemicals, and improper hygiene. Therefore, it is very important to take preventive measures, to start the treatment prescribed by the doctor on time.
Itching of the skin around the eyes
Very often, itching of the skin around the eyes indicates the presence of blepharitis syndrome. Sometimes this indicates that a person has eye mites. Often they are found as saprophytes on eyebrows and eyelashes.
Due to the flowering of a certain plant, the eyes may begin to itch. This is considered a normal reaction, characteristic of an allergy, which, nevertheless, should be eliminated. It happens that people begin to rub them from excessive stress. But in the case when the organ of vision is constantly exposed to irritation, the symptom is observed quite often. This phenomenon occurs due to damage to the skin of the eyelids and the skin around the eyes. The provocateur of the disease can be a wound that is located on the skin. When the process of wound healing occurs, a substance is actively released that contributes to the activation of the disease.
Feeling of itching in the eyelids
Hyperemia is another reason during which a person may feel itchy eyelids. Such a disease manifests itself due to contact with dust, wool, chemicals, washing powder.
This symptom manifests itself as an addition to inflammation, the presence of viruses, bacteria and allergies. During all this, swelling and redness occur. When itching appears in the corners of the eyes, it is most often referred to as conjunctivitis.
If the eyelids swell and itch, we can talk about allergies. In this situation, it is worth taking tests, undergoing a systematic examination, and diagnosing which substance is the allergen. When such a reaction passes, lacrimation, nasal congestion, and a runny nose occur.
This symptom is manifested due to the use of food. It is they who are irritated. Thus, a person who eats a lot of chocolate has a desire to scratch the skin of the eyelids.
Women are prone to such a reaction due to the use of low-quality cosmetics. When cosmetics contain a lot of prohibited substances, itching of the skin is considered quite normal.
If you wear contact lenses, you may experience discomfort, but only at the beginning of their use. Dry eye syndromes, computer syndrome may appear. Certain illnesses, such as diabetes, can cause these symptoms to develop.
Feeling of itching under the eyes
What causes can affect the appearance of itching under the eyes and how can it be eliminated? Such factors include wound healing, pathological allergic conditions, barley, blepharitis, keratitis, decomatosis, conjunctivitis.
During the healing of wounds, in particular after surgical operations, itching occurs.
In these situations, it is worth talking about a process that is aimed at eliminating necrotic tissues from the body. This situation is considered normal. If it occurs, there is no need to worry.
This symptom indicates the presence of an allergy. Anything is an allergen: cosmetics, pollen, household dust, fluff, household chemicals. It is accompanied by redness and swelling of the eyes, and the area under them.
The inflamed ciliary edge causes a lot of inconvenience. After all, eyelashes begin to grow in the wrong direction, and therefore the eyelids cannot be completely closed.
There are many reasons for inflammation. It is very difficult to determine which one causes the disease. Therefore, it is best to seek help from an ophthalmologist and carry out the necessary treatment.
Puffiness and itching of the eyes
In most cases, swelling and itching appear as a result of taking certain drugs. They can be antibiotics, medicines containing iodine, vitamin complexes.
Swelling of the eyes is possible when the allergen is present in cosmetics. Most often, these symptoms occur in women. Puffiness of the eyelids is caused by insect bites. For an experienced doctor, it will not be difficult to determine what exactly causes such phenomena, and prescribe the right antihistamine for treatment. It must be taken into account that edema can also be caused by diseases.
To avoid swelling, you need to revise your usual menu. After all, this symptom appears due to the fact that a person consumes certain foods that cause allergies. Such foods include citrus fruits, berries, fruits of bright colors, seafood. Treatment also consists in following a special diet, but only when the provocateur of puffiness is a food allergy.
Itchy sensations in the corners of the eyes
Without any reason, this symptom will not appear. This phenomenon is provoked by infectious eye diseases. It is the bacteria that irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes and cause swelling.
Also, itching in the corner of the eye can be a symptom of an allergy. This condition is considered very unpleasant, it is complemented by a burning sensation, severe tearing, swelling of the mucous membranes.
If a foreign body enters the eye, a person has similar signs. Also, adverse environmental factors can cause irritation.
Often people are faced with a disease that causes itching in the corners of the eyes. The disease is an inflammation that occurs on their mucous membranes. It appears for the reason that infections and bacteria get on the mucous membranes. Redness, purulent discharge may be added to this symptom.
To find out more useful information on how to treat itchy eyes with allergies, you can contact our consultant.
Do not start this ailment, react in time to strange symptoms and seek the help of a good doctor!