Folk remedy for allergies

A disease such as allergies is rapidly gaining momentum. This disease is inherent in every inhabitant of the planet. The main cause of allergies is a weakened immune system, which reacts very sharply to the allergen, considering even harmless substances as such. As a result, we can observe symptoms such as rhinitis, cough, conjunctivitis, urticaria, Quincke's edema, nausea, diarrhea, and others. The most common allergies are hay fever, food allergies, sun allergies, and animal dander allergies. Sometimes the disease develops against the background of the use of certain medications (antibiotics, hormonal drugs, heart pills).

House dust is also a hotbed of multiple allergens that irritate our mucous membranes. People whose work is associated with constant contact with chemicals can be included in the risk zone. These products can also include household chemicals. Often pills do not cope with many symptoms. In this case, traditional medicine comes to the rescue, which fights allergies.

Traditional medicine against hay fever

Simply in the people, hay fever is called an allergy to the pollen of flowering plants. Traditional medicine copes very well with such a disease. Such methods of treatment are quite effective, since all recipes and recommendations have long been tested over the years. As such therapy, decoctions of various herbs, their infusions and many foods are used. Since plant pollen causes cross reactions, not all methods are permitted. You must first find out whose pollen causes reactions, and based on this, select a folk remedy. Folk sredstvo kalendula

Almost everyone is suitable infusion from the series. This herb can be taken both fresh and dried. The same drink is indicated for use for a long period of time (a year or two or more) instead of simple tea. Such prevention can permanently save you from hay fever. And to prepare it, you will need one spoon (tea) of succession pour boiling water (1 cup), leave for 20-30 minutes. According to this I will drink up to three times a day. This will help reduce and alleviate all symptoms, and over time they will completely disappear. But, it is worth noting that it is necessary to take breaks in taking such tea from a series. The maximum period of continuous use is a month. Then a week or two "rest" from it. People's treatment of allergies

Folk representatives advise the use of infusions cyclically. First, start drinking an infusion of calendula (1 month). Take a tablespoon of flowers, preferably dried, and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Leave to infuse for 40 minutes. You should consume one tablespoon (tablespoon) before meals. After a month of such treatment, a cycle of herbal collection begins:

  • Pharmaceutical camomile;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • Violet;
  • plantain leaves;
  • Clover.

The first three ingredients are taken twice as much as the last two. After thoroughly mixing all these components, take only one spoonful of this collection. Everything is poured with boiling water (250 ml) and boiled for 10 minutes. Then let the decoction brew for about 30 minutes. After straining the drink, drink two tablespoons after each meal. The course is also one month.

A decoction of oatmeal will help cleanse the body of allergens and toxins. To do this, pour 0.5 Hercules porridge with boiling water (1.5) into a thermos, and insist for several hours. It would be better to leave it all night. Then strain the infusion and drink the liquid throughout the day.

National sredstvo seldereyWith hay fever, fresh juice from celery root is excellent. It has diuretic properties and is considered a natural diuretic. Thus, there is a rapid cleansing of the body. In addition, celery has a hypnotic effect - it will help you relax and calm your nervous system.

It is known that with hay fever the main symptoms are rhinitis and conjunctivitis. To get rid of an allergic rhinitis, it is necessary to prepare a solution for washing the nose. To do this, take a spoonful of salt (you can use sea salt) and dilute it with a glass of water. With this medicine, the cavity is washed at least three times a day. It will help clear the upper respiratory tract, relieve swelling of the mucosa and promote its natural and rapid healing. You can also prepare drops based on honey. But they are not suitable for everyone, because one of the cross-reactions is an allergy to honey. Therefore, if you are sure that this is not about you, take a spoonful of honey, dilute it in warm water and add a few drops of lemon juice. It is necessary to drip in the morning and before going to bed.

Folk remedies for sun allergies

This type of allergy is very severe. From the sun, a person will not be able to hide in any way, unless he has to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. But this is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately deal with its treatment. Allergies to the sun are characterized by rashes of various kinds and severity. In some cases, they pass on their own, and sometimes outside intervention is necessary. After all, turning into a chronic form, the skin rash remains for a long time, there are all sorts of irritations, eczema, papules, which brings great discomfort and stress.

Ogurec ot allergic to the sunIn folk medicine, there are many recipes for getting rid of the symptoms of an allergy to the sun. In the early stages of hives, rubbing or compressing certain vegetables may help. It is enough to cut fresh cucumber or potatoes into rings, and wipe the damaged areas with light movements. If you have time, it is better to prepare yourself a compress from any grated ingredient. Cabbage leaf also perfectly relieves swelling of the skin.

If your allergy is not a surprise, and you know about its presence, it is better to take care of the remedy for it in advance. To do this, pick the herb wormwood and chop it, after washing it thoroughly. Pour the ingredient into glassware and fill with alcohol to the brim. After the product has been infused for three days, strain it and put it in a dark, cool place. As soon as you begin to notice signs of allergies in yourself, use the infusion as a lotion. Representatives of traditional medicine claim that this will help to quickly cope with the acute form of urticaria.

From the same herb, oil infusion is excellent, according to folk recipes. Such a tool will act on the skin very gently without damaging it. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids if you have sun allergies. This will help remove all toxins from the body and quickly remove external signs. Teas such as chamomile and mint are the best remedy for this. And brewed green tea bags are recommended to wipe wounds. Be sure to drink juices with diuretic products several times a day. These are cabbage, apples, pears, melons, watermelons, beets, cucumbers, carrots, herbs, celery. Use this popular cocktail recipe:

  • 1 celery stalk;
  • A bunch of parsley;
  • 2 cauliflower florets;
  • 3 apples;
  • 2 carrots.

Among folk remedies, simple ointments are excellent. So, there are two very simple ways of cooking. For the first ointment, mix rice starch with glycerin, for the second - aloe juice with petroleum jelly. Aloe juice in its pure form is also suitable for rubbing.

Folk food allergy treatment

Food allergies are caused by the consumption of various allergic foods. To remove its manifestations, which are both external and internal, it is necessary to resort to the advice of traditional medicine. Strawberry leaf tea helps with this type of allergy. This component will help soothe the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, reduce their spasms and effectively remove the allergen from the body. Narodnoe sredstvo chistotel

For the treatment of this disease, folk councils recommend using celandine. From this herb is required to make a decoction. It is necessary to pour two tablespoons of grass with two glasses of hot water. Leave the infusion for 4 hours, and then take half a glass several times a day. If you are allergic to certain foods, a prerequisite is the use of infusions and teas from chamomile. Such decoctions are also added to the water when taking baths. According to popular recipes and beliefs, baths will help relieve skin rashes, which are also characteristic of this disease.

Other baths are very useful:

  • With needles;
  • With celandine and lavender;
  • With hawthorn and angelica;
  • With lemon balm and mint;
  • With oatmeal.

The combinations of these herbs can be absolutely varied. If you do not have the opportunity to use the natural components of the needles, they can be replaced with analogues of essential oils. To quickly rid the body of intoxication, you will need to consume more products used in traditional medicine, such as garlic and beets. Allergy to them is practically not found, so it will suit everyone. Garlic will help to disinfect the cavity of the entire gastrointestinal tract, and beets will contribute to the rapid elimination from the body.

A good folk advice for allergies is a decoction of dandelion string and roots. The components are taken in the same amount, poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for at least two hours. Strain it all, put a couple of drops of lime (lemon) and consume two tablespoons before meals for three weeks.

Diet for allergies

Representatives of both traditional and traditional medicine unanimously argue that getting rid of allergies is impossible without following a certain diet. Its essence lies in the complete exclusion of allergen products and some restriction in the consumption of the rest. So, it is strictly forbidden for any kind of allergy:

  • Citrus fruits, strawberries and raspberries;
  • Alcohol, kvass, beer;
  • Smoked and salty;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Cow's milk and chicken eggs;
  • Seafood and sweets;
  • Spices, sauces, marinades;
  • Preservatives and flavoring additives;
  • Spinach, sorrel, tomatoes;
  • Any carbonated drinks and water;
  • Coffee and cocoa.

Be careful with potatoes. Its starch is very allergenic, so before cooking it, you need to soak the potatoes in water for several hours. From vegetables, also be wary of onions and carrots. From meat, you can sometimes eat boiled lamb. Do not abuse semolina porridge and bread. A specialist in traditional medicine recommends that you include in your diet the following products:

  • Kefir, natural yogurt without additives;
  • Cereals;
  • Zucchini, celery, cabbage (any kind);
  • Apples, pears, white currants, gooseberries;
  • Lean broths;
  • Dietary meats (beef, rabbit, turkey);
  • Fresh cucumbers;
  • Bread gray second grade.

Everything must be steamed, either boiled or baked in the oven. No fried foods should be present on your table. Light vegetable and meat broths are welcome. If you are not allergic to seafood, you can sometimes treat yourself to a boiled piece of fish, but only tuna is the only type that is hypoallergenic. Eat a variety of cereals daily, except for semolina. This will help restore the normal intestinal microflora, which can fight allergens. Prepare your own cabbage salads, seasoning them with olive or sesame oil. Folk remedies not only effectively relieve allergies, but also significantly strengthen the immune system.

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