Treatment of allergies in children with folk remedies

At every step, we face such an ailment as an allergy. The disease has spread greatly over the past decades. Unfortunately, our children are the main ones at risk. The whole situation is oppressed by the state of the environment and lifestyle, which adversely affect the already weak immune system of the baby's body. Antiallergic drugs are not always able to help a child. Plus, they are also quite expensive and have a lot of side effects. But about the effectiveness and efficiency of traditional medicine, no one doubts. Fortunately, a fairly large number of folk recipes from our grandmothers have come down to us, which will save your child from the painful symptoms of allergies without harm.

Folk remedies for hay fever in children

Pollinosis is called allergy to plant pollen. Its allergens include plants that are pollinated by air. When pollen comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the nose and eyes, their inflammation occurs. In children, this disease begins to manifest itself from the age of three. The disease is exclusively seasonal.

Symptoms of hay fever in children include:

  • Urticaria, itching and burning of the skin;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Tearing and redness of the eyes;
  • Severe bouts of dry cough;
  • Temperature increase.

Treatment of allergies in children with folk methods is quite easy and fast. But first you need to consult a doctor to determine the exact allergen that harms your child. And already owning such information, you can choose effective folk recipes. All of these methods will cope with the symptoms and alleviate the condition of your child.

First of all, it is worth noting the healing properties of chamomile and its indispensability. Brew dry chamomile flowers at home and leave for half an hour. The child needs to drink only one tablespoon twice a day. A decoction from a series does an excellent job. If the baby does not want to drink the infusion in its pure form, it can be diluted in weak green tea. You need to use it as often as possible - up to seven times a day.

I would like to note the importance of other herbal decoctions and fees:

Nettle Pour two tablespoons of grass with 400 grams of water. Do not rush - let it infuse and cool. Give the child several times about 100 grams before meals.
St. John's wort Take two tablespoons of dry St. John's wort and tansy. Fill with water (250-300 grams) and boil. After straining, the decoction should be gargled with every coughing fit.
Licorice For such a decoction, you need to take the root of this plant. You will also need viburnum flowers, elecampane and horsetail. Pour this mixture with boiling water for a long time - for 8-9 hours. After enduring this period, strain the infusion. The child needs to take 70 grams three times a day.
horsetail This herb can be used as a drink or nasal drops to treat nasal swelling. It is necessary to pour two tablespoons of horsetail 0.5 water. Let the broth boil and infuse for about an hour. Take up to 5 times a day.
calamus marsh It will take only one tablespoon of dry root of calamus and St. John's wort. Pour this mixture with a liter of clean water and boil on a gas stove for about ten minutes, let it brew and strain. This decoction is useful for gargling a child's throat.

It is quite difficult to force children to drink medicines prepared on the basis of folk recipes, so refined sugar will help a lot with this. On a piece of sugar, you need to drip a few drops of fennel or laurel oil. Give this remedy to your child half an hour before meals. Various juices are excellent for hay fever. And the best of them is the juice of crushed celery root. It is required to drink three times a day, two tablespoons. A good helper would be carrot juice or apple juice. Only apples are desirable to use green.

Use the following recipe:

  • 2 apples;
  • 4 carrots;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • Cauliflower.

After whipping all these ingredients and squeezing the juice out of them, let the baby drink 20 minutes before each meal.


Treatment of allergies in children with folk remedies also involves the use of syrups based on alcohol tinctures. For one of these infusions, you will need an echinacea inflorescence and one glass of vodka. This remedy should be infused for one week. After you strain it, give your child 20 drops diluted in 100 grams of water.

Narodniks advise using onion juice for hay fever. Take a few onions, peel them, chop them and pour a glass of cold water. Let the onion infuse overnight. Let the child drink this juice during the day.

Treatment of food allergies in a child with folk remedies

This type of disease is most common among children, starting from infancy. This is explained by the fact that the child's immunity is quite weak and cannot show a protective reaction. Characteristic signs of the disease are red rashes on the skin, coughing and choking attacks, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. To relieve your child of symptoms, treatment with folk remedies will help you. Take advantage of the following:

  • If the child does not suffer from allergic manifestations after eating honey, then it will become your effective assistant in the cure. Give your baby honeycomb gum. You need to chew for at least 15 minutes. Such treatment takes a lot of time (up to 6 months), but the improvements will be visible to the naked eye.
  • Before eating, it is useful to give dandelion juice. To do this, you need to squeeze the juice from the leaves of the plant, interrupting them in a blender, and dilute with water. Ratio 1:5. It will be enough to use one tablespoon.
  • To remove the skin manifestations of food allergies, traditional medicine advises using chamomile baths. Pour a few tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Add this infusion to the common bath. It is advised to take such water procedures for at least 10-15 minutes for children, and 20 minutes for adults. It would be nice to use oak bark alternately with chamomile.
  • Very tasty and healthy for children will be the use of various vegetable and fruit juices. A mixture of juices from parsley, cucumber, carrot and beet gives a stunning effect. Let the baby drink one glass a day. In terms of duration, this treatment will take you about three months.
  • Prepare your child instead of simple tea, a decoction of strawberry leaves.
  • Do not forget about the usefulness of eggshells. Powder the washed shells of several eggs. The child should eat 1/4 teaspoon every day. You can put a few drops of lemon juice on the powder.
  • For therapeutic baths, blackcurrant leaves are well suited. Leaves and branches should be boiled for about 20 minutes, let it brew for a couple of hours, cool and then add to the baby’s common bath.
  • If you have rose hips at home, they will help you cope with allergies in a child . Rosehip is brewed in a thermos and a few bay leaves are added. You need to insist at least 4 hours. Give the baby 20 grams several times a day.

With food allergies in children, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen product from the diet for a while. After the symptoms disappear, you can start introducing it in small portions, observing the reaction of the body. Babies often suffer from cow's milk allergies due to early feeding. Therefore, milk must be replaced with goat or soy.

Treatment of allergies in children with folk remedies takes place through herbal preparations. A mixture of violet flowers, burdock and walnut leaves will help relieve the symptoms of allergies on the skin. These herbs are infused in a thermos. You need to drink 70 grams several times a day. Such an infusion will help your baby's body quickly remove toxins. An infusion of chamomile and string will help soothe the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and eliminate coughing. And the swelling of the throat will be removed by the mummy solution.

Alternative medicine for an allergic rash in a baby

The most common type of rash in children is hives and dermatitis. Occurs as a result of the struggle of the immune system with pathogenic substances. The most common among them are food and sunlight. Treatment of allergies in children with folk remedies provides for the following measures:

Mint Pour boiling water over a few tablespoons of mint. Drink this tea throughout the day instead of plain tea.
yarrow Dried grass is poured with boiling water and insisted for an hour and a half. After straining it, give 80 grams three times a day.
Beet Peel the beets and chop finely. Put it in a fairly deep bowl, pouring two liters of cold water. Let it brew for about a week. Give your child one tablespoon a day. Can also be used for rubbing as a lotion.
Celery The child needs to use fresh juice from this plant as often as possible to normalize the digestive tract. It is an excellent diuretic that will help remove toxic elements from his body.
Potato Peeled potatoes are finely chopped or grated and used as a compress. It is necessary to apply it to the places of localization of blisters for at least half an hour.

To relieve skin manifestations of allergies, you can prepare ointments according to folk recipes. For one of them, you need to take rice starch and glycerin in equal proportions. Lubricate damaged areas of your child's skin at bedtime. Vaseline and aloe juice can also be used as ingredients. Well relieves itching powdered radish seeds. Put a few drops of water on them and apply as a compress.

A drink from viburnum will help cleanse the body. And dill juice will relieve bouts of severe itching and burning of the skin in a child. Wipe the skin with brewed green tea bags. When bathing a baby, add decoctions of needles, lemon balm, mint or eucalyptus to the bath. In the case of an allergic rash, parents should carefully monitor the baby so that he does not comb the blisters, which will turn into wounds and scars. To do this, it is better to bandage the affected areas at night.

How to save a child from allergic rhinitis using folk recipes?

In this matter, traditional medicine gives us a chance to roam. There are a lot of folk remedies to combat rhinitis in children. A decoction of mint and milk should be taken orally for seasonal or year-round rhinitis in children. For you need a spoonful of mint and a glass of boiled milk. Let the herb infuse until it cools completely. It is necessary to drink three times a day.

Grass coltsfoot and violet cope well with the disease. You will need to brew such a collection, insist and give the child two tablespoons twice a day. But, nevertheless, drops are considered the most effective remedy for rhinitis. You can cook them using the following recipes:

Honey This product is used to prepare nasal drops. It is necessary to dilute a spoonful of honey with a spoonful of warm water and drip your nose three times a day. Such drops will help restore the mucous membrane of your baby's nose and free the nose from phlegm.
Aloe Aloe juice is used in its pure form. It can be prepared ahead of time by placing it in the refrigerator. You need to bury it less than four drops three times a day.
Lemon You need to squeeze fresh lemon juice (10 drops) into one teaspoon of warm water. Drip your baby's nose with this solution in the morning and evening before going to bed.
Sea salt The nasal cavity is washed with a solution of sea salt. Dilute a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm purified water. Rinse your nose every morning.
saline solution Instead of sea salt, you can use a simple saline solution, because it is a saline solution in its pure form.

It is worth mentioning about inhalations in the treatment of allergies in children with folk remedies. The most popular among these species is the old method of inhaling potato vapours. Such inhalations should be carried out by the child up to three times a week for no more than 15 minutes. The use of essential oils for these purposes will not become a hindrance. For this, oils of eucalyptus, mint, lemon balm, fir and pine needles are suitable.

Treating allergies in children with home remedies

Rubbing can be quite effective in combating or preventing allergies in children. For this, infusions of string or bay leaf are used. They are recommended even for babies. If you do not have the presence of these components, you can take a solution of simple baking soda.

Dill fruits will help in the fight against dermatitis. Pour boiling water over them and leave for two hours. You need to drink half a glass a day up to three times. And dill juice is great for itching and burning. Used as a compress. For hay fever, use solutions of water and valerian for gargling. It is recommended to eat potatoes cooked in ash. To rid a child of dermatitis at home, you can use a mixture of baby moisturizer with sea buckthorn oil.

Some Helpful Tips

Introduce complementary foods for an infant earlier than at six months of age. Breast milk will help him significantly strengthen the immune system and prepare the body for other types of food. Probably the first thing worth mentioning is the child's diet. To avoid allergies, remove the following foods from your baby's diet:

  • Chocolate, confectionery;
  • Seafood;
  • Raspberry, strawberry;
  • Nuts;
  • Fresh bakery products;
  • Too salty dishes;
  • Tomatoes, potatoes;
  • Seasonings.

If there is a pet in your house, and after the child has contact with him, you notice the initial manifestations of allergies, it is better to give the pet into good hands. Try to wash the floors as often as possible and wipe the furniture from dust in the apartment or house. In this matter, a humidifier will not interfere, which will help to avoid the development of bronchial asthma in a baby.

As soon as your child comes in from the street, immediately change into cleangirl in the field clothes. The best option would be to take a shower, clear your nose and gargle your throat. Make sure your child doesn't overeat. It is necessary to eat fractionally, portions should be small, and their number should reach up to six doses per day. Since 90% of children have food allergies, many recommend keeping a food diary. Every day, enter into it the time, quantity, ingredients of the dishes that your baby consumes. Select a separate column in which you will record allergic manifestations and a possible allergen product. Thus, you will quickly calculate the "culprit" of the disease and get rid of it.

In order not to expose your child to hay fever, study the flowering calendar of plants. During dangerous periods, try to go out less, do not open windows and doors. If this is necessary, cover the window with a wet sheet that will trap pollen particles and street dust. Do not expose your child to the sun. Wear clothes that cover the body as much as possible, in light colors.

It is known that many household chemicals become disease provocateurs. Therefore, when washing baby clothes, rinse them at least three times. Protect your baby from contact with detergents and cleaning products. For their intimate hygiene, use only hypoallergenic cosmetics. Be extremely attentive to all changes in the body of your baby, and then you will not have to resort to traditional medicine treatment.

Discussion: there is 1 comment
  1. mikimota:

    We are saved by salt caves. Without any antihistamines and rubdowns. We walk and breathe 10 sessions 2 times a year. Excellent indicators, the child practically stopped responding to flowering. It became easier to breathe.


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