Why allergists can always make money on us

The most popular profession, recently in medicine, has become the profession of an allergist: pulmonologist-allergist, immunologist-allergist and others.

If you see an allergist already with severe allergy symptoms, you will be prescribed antihistamines without much discussion. If you start complaining that you have already changed more than 4-5 of these drugs, and all of them helped temporarily, and then their effect weakened or disappeared altogether, you will certainly be prescribed the sixth or seventh drug in a row, which is allegedly much better and much more expensive tested by you.

Someone buys these very expensive drugs and travels further through the hellish circles of the pharmaceutical business, while someone at this stage thinks that “something is wrong here!”

Not all doctors remind you that antihistamines only treat symptoms. And this, unfortunately, is so.

And only conscientious doctors will advise to resolve the issue radically and forever. So, if you are tired of waiting every year for all the flowers to bloom, all the leaves to fall, and all the mongrel dogs to freeze and hide in the cellars of the city so that you can safely walk down the street, then start taking action.

  1. We buy sorbent preparations and take an enhanced weekly course as with severe intoxication. You can even drink activated charcoal, 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. Drink after every meal in an hour.
  2. We go on a diet, but without fanaticism. Treatment should be comfortable and enjoyable, and let your diet smoothly transition into a healthy lifestyle. For with an allergy, you will have to forget about spicy, fatty and salty foods. Therefore, we sit down on the Internet and look for recipes for delicious boiled, baked and stewed dishes. Also pay attention to the choice of meat: it is better to buy beef or turkey - they are the least toxic. Diversify the menu with different types of fish. Fruits and vegetables should only be eaten green, while red ones should be avoided.
  3. We drink 3 to 5 liters of purified water per day. It is better to refuse water from the pump room, since we clean the liver, and the composition of the water in your pump room is hardly printed and posted for review. Therefore, it is better to buy water in a supermarket or clean it with a filter at home. You can enrich the water with shungite or silver (we throw a silver object at the bottom of the jar, fill it with filtered water and keep it overnight).
  4. We choose a choleretic agent. There are quite a lot of such funds in the pharmacy. allergists will help determine the choice . The most effective and environmentally friendly remedy is the milk thistle plant and various forms of its release. You can simply buy milk thistle meal (cake) and drink it for at least three months.

Just? Just! This method cleanses the body of toxins, rejuvenates the liver, starts your gastrointestinal tract from scratch, helps the body produce the right amount of enzymes that will properly process everything that enters your body and you will forget about allergies, if not forever, then for a long time. It all depends on your desire and perseverance. If you clean your liver every year (preferably in February, before the first flowering), you can feel great every summer. But do not forget to stick to a diet, and then you can sometimes afford to eat something "doubtful", but your favorite.

Be healthy!

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