Prevention of allergic diseases

In the modern world, there are a huge number of diseases that cause disruption of our usual rhythm of life, the occurrence of uncomfortable symptoms, poor health, decreased performance, etc. One of these ailments is allergies.

Doctors constantly advise us to adhere to disease prevention in order to minimize the risk of worsening the situation, not to aggravate the course of the disease. Agree, prevention is much simpler and easier than treatment. Therefore, today we will talk about what should be the prevention of allergic diseases, how it is carried out, what features it has.

What is prevention?

If we talk about babies, the development of an allergic reaction in them can be facilitated by artificial nutrition, when the baby is deprived of receiving all the vitamins and minerals contained in mother's milk. In addition, this disease is often caused by foods with a high level of allergenicity, tobacco smoke, and many other negative factors.

A woman who plans to become a mother, she is obliged to normalize her daily routine, consult a doctor, because only a specialist is able to correctly and accurately give recommendations individually to each patient. Let's look at the basic rules for pregnant women to help reduce the likelihood of developing allergic diseases.

  1. It is very important to breastfeed your little one. This method of feeding should be used for at least six months. If the mother does not have this opportunity, there is another option - feeding with dairy-free mixtures. It is strictly forbidden to give the baby cow's milk.
  2. You should not practice the early introduction of complementary foods, such as, for example, citrus juices, fish, egg white.
  3. The introduction of new complementary foods must be carried out very carefully, give only one product at a time, observing the sequence.
  4. The best and most suitable option is boiled food. The boiled product significantly reduces the risk of developing allergic diseases, lowering the level of its allergenicity.

Nutrition - a necessary prevention for the expectant mother

Both during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, doctors prescribe special diets for women. The diet should be varied, complete and healthy.

allergies and strawberries

But at the same time, it involves the exclusion of many products that cause allergic reactions in a pregnant woman, in her future child. Prohibited products include the following:

  • fish;
  • caviar;
  • strawberries;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus;
  • coffee, cocoa;
  • nuts, honey

In addition, it is recommended to limit the amount of eggs consumed, milk drunk. Do not forget that prevention is a huge help, a benefit for the body.

Elimination of allergens

Prevention is an important measure of all ailments, it should not be neglected. Otherwise, more complex, long-term treatment will be needed. The infant must be protected from contact with allergens. Initially, you need to exclude food that provokes the disease, then proceed to more domestic issues. For example, it is forbidden to use a feather bed, mattresses made from sea grass, hair. In addition, the prevention of allergic reactions involves contact with animals, animal skins, carpets, which, in fact, are dust collectors.

Prevention of allergic diseases

Remember, cleanliness in the house, lack of dust and contact with the above allergens will help keep the baby healthy. In addition, you need to avoid the bites of various insects in every possible way, because they quite often cause allergic diseases.

Do not forget that only a doctor should choose the right treatment!

Allergies are often caused by cigarette smoke. It has an extremely negative effect on the respiratory tract of the child, causes the development of this disease. Therefore, do not smoke in the presence of a child!

Living in an area near roads where cars drive around the clock also has a bad effect.
Their exhaust gases also adversely affect the functioning of the respiratory system. It is also forbidden to treat drugs that can cause the development of allergic diseases.


A difficult task is to reduce contact with substances that provoke this disease.
But, whatever one may say, this stage is very important and mandatory, it is he who is a good assistant, necessary, which helps to treat allergies. Even before the birth of a small crumb, parents must pay special attention to all items that can become risk factors for allergic diseases. Therefore, parents, give up carpets, significantly reduce the number of soft toys, after the birth of a child, carry out wet cleaning every day, wipe the dust, follow the rules indicated earlier in the article.

Specificity of treatment

Treatment, started on time (at the first symptoms that appear), prescribed by a specialist, will help prevent the development of a full-fledged picture of an allergic reaction. The main goal of therapy is to eliminate allergens. This option is possible if the cause of the disease was drugs, food, hair of cats, dogs or other animals.

In case of allergy to various substances, household dust, plant pollen, the patient will be shown another treatment. This method is called hyposensitization. The task of the method is to carry out activities aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the body to substances that cause allergies. Its essence lies in the fact that an allergen is introduced into the body, each time its dose is increased. It is important to know that the procedure is carried out:

  • only after the rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection (for example, diseases such as tonsillitis or caries);
  • during the period of remission of the disease (that is, during the improvement of the condition).

This method of therapy is very effective and safe. An important point should not be forgotten: in order to reduce the risk of developing any complications, after the allergen is introduced, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor for at least half an hour.

Remember, in case of allergic reactions, you should consult an allergist as soon as possible. He will tell you in detail about what your individual prevention should be, what treatment is right for you.

Other Therapies

The next method is the use of desensitizing agents that will help reduce allergic manifestations. They can be local and general action. The former are most often in the form of drops. Used for hay fever for the nose, eyes. If there is an allergy in the digestive tract, resort to oral administration of funds.

prevention of allergic diseases

The second type, which has a general effect, is mainly taken for a long time. These drugs are used to treat atopic diseases. With systematic use, it turns out to prevent allergic diseases, reduce the frequency of their occurrence. Note that they are ineffective in asthmatic attacks.

Asthma attack

Usually in such cases, drugs are prescribed that can eliminate bronchial spasms. Be aware that these drugs can increase heart rate, increase blood pressure. In addition, they cause the formation of mucus clots in the bronchi, increase the excreted amount of urine.

Therefore, remember that only a doctor prescribes any drug, do not exceed the indicated dosages, because the consequences can be life-threatening. In order to clear the bronchi of mucus, doctors advise drugs that help to eliminate sputum during a cough. Mandatory activities that need to be carried out in parallel are:

  • plentiful drink for the baby;
  • humidification of the air in the room where it is located.

Antihistamine medicines

Doctors can prescribe these medicines to the patient if he has:

  • food allergy;
  • hives;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • angioedema.

Proper prevention and therapy will help to achieve good results if you follow all the recommendations of specialists!


For babies, such funds are prescribed in rare cases, since they can cause various complications. Of the indications for the use of corticosteroids with the help of intravenous administration, there are:

  • Quincke's edema, accompanied by spasm of the larynx;
  • asthma;
  • anaphylactic shock.

In some cases, the hormones of the adrenal cortex are used for severe damage to the skin (in the form of an ointment), as well as for a complex variant of the course of a disease such as asthma. Common methods of use include:

  • ingestion;
  • drops in the nose, in the eyes (1% hydrocortisone solution);
  • inhalation.

Recently, inhalers have been used that allow you to inhale steroids. This method of treating allergic diseases makes it possible to reduce the number of complications, reduce the dosage.


Antibiotic drugs come to the rescue in case of long-term hormone therapy. These drugs contribute to the inhibition of the allergic reaction, but also reduce the resistance of the patient's body.


It must always be remembered that one of the important points in prevention is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It consists in the correct distribution of time for sleep, work, sports, and other necessary things. It is best to ask a specialist about which sport is right for you. Specify the volumes of permitted loads, other details. Note that the correct daily routine should be taught to the child from an early age.

Follow all the doctor's advice, follow all preventive measures, be extremely careful when treating children! Allergic diseases are best prevented rather than long, painfully cured. Feel free to ask our doctor about prevention, other important details about allergies!

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