Allergy to biseptol

Biseptol has been known on the pharmacological market for a very long time, it is often prescribed in the fight against many ailments for both children and the adult half of humanity. Very often, people taking this drug are faced with such a problem as an allergy that occurs during Biseptol therapy.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the symptoms of an allergic reaction, you will find out in which cases it is recommended to use it for treatment, when such therapy is indicated. We will also talk about other equally important points, consider contraindications to its use.

Allergists treat various drugs with extreme caution, since many of them can cause allergies. Even aspirin, iodine, preparations that are familiar to us, containing bromine, can easily cause an allergic reaction. Vitamins, antibiotics (for example, penicillin, streptomycin) often act as an allergen.

Allergy Signs

Note that this drug is generally well tolerated. If a person has an individual intolerance, it is possible to develop many negative symptoms. Among them are:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of itching, rashes;
  • redness of the sclera;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle.

If we talk about the increased sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet radiation (this phenomenon is called photosensitivity), it can manifest itself in the form of:

  • phototoxic skin lesions (external manifestations are very similar to a severe sunburn);
  • photoallergic inflammation of the skin (manifested by hyperemia, swelling, itching of the skin).

Other symptoms

In addition to the above, signs of drug allergy are:

  • urticaria (blisters that have a pale pink color, unbearable itching);
  • Lyell's syndrome (in this case, an allergy to Biseptol is manifested by a rapid deterioration in well-being, an increase in body temperature, the appearance of flat blisters. This syndrome is also characterized by damage to the heart, kidneys, and liver.);
  • Quincke's edema (an edema of the fatty tissue that is under the skin immediately begins to appear, as well as swelling of the mucous membranes. It is worth noting that such changes can capture several parts of the body or one specific area.

Such an ailment as Stevens-Johnson syndrome will also be no exception. Such a complex condition that can occur on the mucous membranes of the genitals, eyes, oral cavity, on the skin involves the formation of bubbles. After they are opened, surfaces appear from which blood is released.

After some time, the bubbles merge, form more foci. At the same time, the person's eyes become swollen, start to hurt. Pain during urination is also noted. With this syndrome, in most cases, body temperature is elevated.

Biseptol: indications

Biseptol has a bactericidal effect, that is, it does not allow the microorganism to divide, which, in fact, leads to their death. The main components of this drug are sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim. Consider the main indications of this drug. If a person does not have its intolerance (allergy), it helps to cure:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, cholecystitis, diarrhea, cholera, dysentery.
  • Diseases of soft tissues, skin (furunculosis, as well as infections that have joined after surgery).
  • Respiratory tract ailments, such as pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis, laryngitis.
  • Doctors can prescribe this medicine if the patient has diseases of the genitourinary system. A striking example of this is urethritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, gonorrhea.


Now let's talk about the main contraindications inherent in Biseptol. These include:

  • diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • impaired functioning of organs such as kidneys, liver;
  • hyperbilirubinemia (diagnosed in children).

In addition, newborn babies, children born prematurely, doctors do not recommend therapy with this drug. For young children, doctors prescribe Biseptol in cases of emergency. Undoubtedly, Biseptol is prohibited for people who are hypersensitive to any of the components of the drug. In order not to face such an ailment as an allergy, other possible complications, doctors do not prescribe the drug for:

  • thyroid pathology,
  • the presence of bronchial asthma.

The group of contraindications also includes such a condition as an acute shortage of folic acid in the human body.

Features of treatment

To eliminate an allergy that occurs to various medications, they usually resort to the method of refusing to take one or another remedy. If the main symptoms were itching, rashes, they usually disappear within two to three days. True, in parallel, you need to take an antihistamine medicine to completely eliminate the disease. Unless a specific allergen is identified, the doctor must advise the patient to stop any medications they have been taking.

In the case when an allergy to Biseptol or any other drug began to develop against the background of internal administration, it is necessary:

  • perform gastric lavage;
  • do a cleansing enema.

After such procedures, it is necessary to give the patient a sorbent. Activated carbon, Enterosgel can act as a sorbent. If the patient complains of multiple rashes, excruciating itching, he will be shown antihistamines. Among the popular ones in our time, Suprastin and Tavegil are distinguished in the form of tablets, Diprospan (do intramuscularly, once). Severe cases, for example, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, require immediate hospitalization, since the likelihood of death is high.


In conclusion, I would like to say that drug allergy has recently become a very popular type of this disease. Therefore, before using any medication, it is necessary, of course, to undergo various types of examinations that the doctor will advise, only then go to the pharmacy for the funds prescribed by the specialist. Remember, allergies are a serious problem. If she overtook you, you should immediately go for a consultation with a doctor. In no case do not delay the disease, refuse self-treatment! We are waiting for your questions. Feel free to write to us!

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