How does parrot allergy manifest?

Allergy is a very common disease in the 21st century. It can occur on plant pollen, food, animal hair, etc. It is also possible to develop an allergic reaction to cute, beautiful, bright feathered friends - parrots. Especially these birds are loved by children, so allergies often occur in them.

The main causes of the disease

It is very important to know about the specific causes of this type of allergy.
So let's talk about them. In most cases, the main risk factor is the specific avian protein. Protein, exerting its influence on the alveoli, contributes to the formation of seals. This, in turn, leads to poor breathing. During an exacerbation, the lungs lose their usual volumes, decrease by about four times.

Air hardly enters them. One of the significant negative factors of allergy to parrots is that it immediately has a negative effect on the lungs. In the lungs, in fact, inflammation begins, bypassing the trachea, nasopharynx, and bronchi. In these three organs, the allergen is not able to linger due to the fact that it is very small. Therefore, the great danger of this type of allergy is the instant penetration of a specific protein into the lungs of a person.

Many do not know that the allergen is contained in the saliva of a parrot. Therefore, he, in fact, is present in bird droppings.

It is worth noting that parrots, like many other birds, monitor their plumage and constantly clean it. In such cases, the protein will remain on the scales of the skin, on the feathers, and then it will be released into the environment. Also, the allergen is very small, so it easily moves around the house at any distance.

Even the results of the vital activity of small parasitic mites can become the cause of an allergy to a parrot. These mites are present on the body of the bird. To prevent the onset of the disease, the parrot should be treated with special means. You need to know and remember that substances that provoke the development of allergies can be on carpets, clothes, other similar things, household items. As you can see, allergies easily appear even in the absence of direct contact with the bird. For some people, all kinds of parrot food are risk factors.

How to determine the presence of an allergy to parrots?

In order to identify this type of allergic reaction, you need to consult a doctor for diagnostics, that is, conduct skin tests, as well as special tests. There is another fairly simple method. Before you buy a parrot, you need to visit friends and relatives who have a parrot in the house as often as possible. It is important to note that not in all cases, an allergy to this bird will appear immediately, after the first contact with it. It can take quite a long time, for example, several weeks, only then certain allergy symptoms begin to appear. Yes, it is necessary to contact the bird for a long time, it is especially recommended to clean up the cage after it, since the specific protein, which is an allergen, is present precisely in parrot feathers, skin scales and, directly, in the litter. If you experience any alarming symptoms, you should seek the help of a doctor as soon as possible.

Parrot Allergy: Symptoms

Everyone should know about how allergies manifest themselves. Consider a number of the most basic signs indicating the development of the disease. Firstly, the patient begins to experience tearing, hyperemia of the eyes, itching is very often observed. All these symptoms indicate the development of allergic conjunctivitis. In addition, a person will complain of sneezing, dry cough during exhalation, inhalation, runny nose, shortness of breath, lack of air. Also, the list of symptoms is supplemented by swelling, itching of the skin.

Varieties of allergies

Features of allergic rhinitis

In addition to the fact that patients are worried about sneezing, runny nose, they also complain of nasal congestion, which is called allergic rhinitis.
To eliminate its symptoms, many begin to self-medicate, purchase, use various drugs in the form of a spray, drops, which contribute to vasoconstriction. Note that such drugs aggravate the situation and vice versa increase the manifestation of allergy symptoms to parrots. If the condition worsens, nosebleeds and headaches may occur.

Signs of conjunctivitis

In most cases, this ailment is manifested by rather strong tearing. It may seem to the patient that some foreign object has got into his eye. Against this background, itching in the eyelids is very likely. If the parrot is taken out of the house, the symptoms usually disappear.

Symptoms of alveolitis

With an allergic reaction to a parrot in patients (children, adults), the lungs are affected, that is, alveolitis occurs. This ailment is accompanied by a deterioration in air permeability due to the presence of seals located on top of the alveoli. If you experience any alarming symptoms of allergies, you need to contact a doctor as soon as possible, undergo a diagnosis, and begin treatment. If the disease is already running, then it can be cured only by being in the hospital. You will have to constantly check the work of the respiratory system, it requires a selection of special individual therapy. But still, in order to completely cure allergies, you just need to simply abandon the parrot, do not keep it in the house. You can give to relatives, friends who adore this bird, do not suffer from an allergic reaction to it. Allergic alveolitis occurs after rhinitis, conjunctivitis. For this reason, contact between a parrot and a person suffering from this disease should be limited.


An allergy that occurs on cute birds - parrots, is a very serious illness that requires the use of special medicines, selected by the doctor individually. The first important stage of therapy is, as mentioned above, to remove the parrot from the house. It is also necessary to carry out wet cleaning, wash curtains, carpets, clothes. If an allergic reaction is accompanied by the manifestation of a full range of symptoms, the doctor will select antihistamine medications for the patient. Before you go to see a doctor, you can drink one tablet of Diazolin or Suprastin.

If the disease is manifested by alveolitis, shortness of breath, then they resort to the help of such means as glucocorticosteroids, as well as drugs that relieve bronchospasm. A severe form of alveolitis is treated through special breathing exercises, chest massage, and oxygen inhalations. All such procedures are usually carried out only in a hospital setting. The total duration of therapy can be about several months. With a mild form of allergy - from 7 to 14 days.

In extremely severe cases, in order to improve the functioning of the organs involved in the processes of breathing, a lung transplant operation may be necessary. Any symptoms of an allergy that has arisen on parrots should be the reason for immediately contacting an allergist. Self-medication is inappropriate and most often leads to negative consequences, the development of complications.

Adults should protect themselves and their kids from this so serious illness!

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