Allergy to tree pollen

With the deterioration of the current environmental situation, the people's authorities resort to greening the cities. Increasing the number of green spaces helps to purify the air, which will allow us to breathe more freely. But the human immune system has long been subject to changes and reactions. Often trees become the cause of many diseases. For example, an allergy to pollen.

Getting on the mucous membranes, allergens can lead to serious consequences and chronic diseases.

What trees cause allergies?

The opinion that hay fever occurs only because of flowers is erroneous. Pollen allergy is triggered by the pollen of both flowers and flowering herbs, weeds and trees. Birch is considered the main . This tree begins its flowering in April and lasts until mid-May. Its pollen contains a large amount of protein compounds that are considered allergic. With the help of wind, birch pollen is transported for a large number of kilometers. Birch groves pose a great danger.

A common culprit of the disease, doctors consider alder and hazel. Allergy to this type of tree reaches its peak in May. And flowering ends already in the month of June. Therefore, patients will have to suffer. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with other trees with allergens:

Apple tree Elm Poplar Maple
Willow Vomit Ash Oak

The amount of pollen released from each tree is individual. Scientists have found that hay fever affects mainly residents of cities rather than villages. The situation is aggravated by the fact that all these plants cause a lot of cross-reactions with our usual food. So, the disease brings into the zone of prohibition not only walks in the garden or just down the street, but also food.

Symptoms of hay fever

All signs of allergies will not take long. And if they are detected in time, and measures are taken to eliminate them, complications can be avoided. And the symptoms are:

Rash on the skin Conjunctivitis Itching and burning Quincke's edema
allergic rhinitis Sore throat Hives Coughing fits

Unfortunately, many people confuse tree pollen allergy with a cold and start treatment on their own, a priori wrong. This leads to many complications that aggravate the situation and make the disease almost incurable. This may be followed by such a manifestation as suffocation. As a rule, it comes after strong and frequent bouts of dry cough. A person is not able to inhale the volume of air he needs and simply begins to suffocate. This is the first symptom of bronchial asthma. Also, there are frequent cases of anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal. Therefore, if you find the first signs during the flowering period, consult a doctor immediately.

Treatment of allergies with medications

The first thing you need to do is to minimize contact with trees and their pollen. Try to stay at home as much as possible, do not go out unnecessarily. Next, be sure to see a doctor. Through simple analyzes, the type of allergen will be identified, and you can easily defeat this ailment at the initial stage of its manifestation. As a rule, doctors prescribe antihistamines for a disease such as an allergy to tree pollen. These funds block the production of histamine and prevent the allergen from spreading throughout the body. Three generations of drugs have been developed. Each subsequent one is considered more perfect than the previous one. The third generation, unlike the first, has practically no contraindications and adverse reactions. Here are the most popular among them:

Diphenhydramine Available in the form of tablets and injections. Strong drug. It should be prescribed only by a doctor, as it has a lot of contraindications and adverse reactions.
Diazolin It is used both for the treatment and for the prevention of pollen allergy. Relieves any symptoms of hay fever at its initial stage. Effectively fights Quincke's edema. Contraindicated in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Suprastin The most effective drug among the first generation. It is used for various forms of dermatitis, allergic cough and rhinitis. Removes manifestations of Quincke's edema and urticaria. Contraindicated for use by patients with impaired heart function, bronchial asthma.
Claridol Effective in the treatment of seasonal rhinitis. Eliminates itching and rashes on the skin. Fights hives and Quincke's edema. Its action begins within half an hour after ingestion. The drug is contraindicated in children under two years of age.
Lomilan Used in the treatment of hay fever. Removes the following manifestations: rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, rash, chronic urticaria. Adverse reactions include dry mouth, tachycardia, drowsiness, nausea, and liver disorders.
Claritin The drug is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of pollen allergy. Used to treat chronic urticaria. It is a second generation antihistamine. May cause drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness.
Trexil Eliminates allergic symptoms such as sneezing, swelling, lacrimation, coughing. Helps with rashes and hives. Individual intolerance to the components is considered a contraindication. The drug is taken regardless of food intake. Does not affect the functioning of the central nervous system.
Zyrtec This drug belongs to the third generation. Copes with the manifestations of allergies to pollen in the shortest possible time. The effect lasts up to two days. If the correct dosage is not observed, it can cause nausea, vomiting, headache.

Among all the symptoms of allergies, the most common is rhinitis. It will take a long time to treat him with pills. Need drugs to provide rapid local action. These include drops and sprays. But before you buy them, you should understand their varieties and take into account all the possible risks. So, the drops are of the following types:

  • Vasoconstrictor;
  • Hormonal;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Means for washing.

Vasoconstrictor drops are recommended for patients with an acute form of allergy. These drugs are for severe nasal congestion, which interferes with a normal life. The effect is guaranteed from the first minutes after use. The number of withdrawals is reduced.

Such drops are used for emergency care, so they should not be taken for more than five days. If you do not follow the doctor's recommendations or instructions, addiction may occur and the swelling of the mucous membrane will resume. Then it will be quite difficult to choose the right drug, because the reaction can be observed on any of them. Vasoconstrictor drops include:

Naphthyzin Sanorin Nazivin Tizin
Nazol Farial Rinazolin Galazolin

With a strong runny nose, a large amount of discharge and swelling, hormonal drugs are prescribed. They are produced exclusively in the form of a spray, since their dosage must be strictly observed, which cannot be achieved with drops. These funds have a good decongestant effect, make breathing easier. Remove all mucus in a short period of time. Their use is limited to five days, due to their hormonal basis. Failure to comply with this rule can lead to addiction and aggravation of the situation. The state of the patient's immunity may be shaken, and diseases from the gastrointestinal tract may occur. Check out the following hormone sprays:

  • Benacap;
  • Nasonex;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Flixonase;
  • Fluticasone.

To activate the body's defenses, immunomodulatoryBirch drops and sprays are used. They contribute to the rapid healing of the mucosa and its normal functioning. As a rule, they are prescribed for mild forms of rhinitis or at the final stage of treatment. The most popular among them are IRS-19 and Deritan. The most commonly used are antihistamine drops. They reduce the level of histamine in the nasal cavity, and remove the allergen from it. Allowed to use for a long time. Therefore, such drops are effective not only for hay fever, but also in the presence of year-round allergies. These include: Fenistal, Allergodil, Kromheksal, Zirtek.

The safest and without any adverse reactions are nasal rinses. Such drugs promote natural healing, restore the protective membrane of the nasal cavity, thin the sputum and remove it. Made on the basis of sea salt and water, the poet has no contraindications for use. Often prescribed to children and pregnant women, because their body is the most vulnerable and sensitive to chemicals. Check out these tools:

Humer Quicks Aquamaris Morenasal
Aqualor salin Marimer Dolphin

Treating Tree Pollen Allergy During Pregnancy

Pregnant girlDuring pregnancy, it is better not to take risks, and seek advice from your doctor. Based on complaints, safe antihistamines, such as Suprastin, will be prescribed. It can be used not earlier than the second trimester, both for mild manifestations of allergies, and for its severe forms. Under such conditions, Tavegil is used. Sometimes allergists prescribe the drug Azelastine. Its use is allowed at any stage of gestation, subject to an adequate risk assessment.

Expectant mothers are advised to use the latest generation of antihistamines. It was they who were developed taking into account all past trial and error, and are considered safe harmless means, namely: Zirtek, Telfast, Parlazin. But such a remedy as Diphenhydramine is strictly prohibited. Its use can cause uterine spasms. Pipolfen, Astemizol is also not recommended, as they can have a toxic effect on the fetus.

Nasal drops should be chosen only on a salt basis. These are any means for washing. They do not pose any danger to the fetus, penetrating into the body, do not have a toxic effect. Often used is Aquamaris. The spray helps to remove sputum and moisturize the damaged mucosa. You can use Pinosol drops. They contain extracts of eucalyptus, mint and pine.

Treatment of children

Now developed a lot of drugs for allergies for children. Available in both tablet and syrup form. This allows you not to delay the treatment of even the smallest babies. So, Claritin syrup relieves any allergic manifestations, makes breathing easier with rhinitis. The action begins two hours after ingestion. Perfectly relieves skin manifestations of the disease.

Another effective remedy is Erius syrup. The drug belongs to the third generation. The result is stored for a day. It is used to relieve hives, runny nose, itching and swelling of tissues and mucous membranes. The syrup does not have a sedative effect, does not distract the attention of the baby.

As for drops and sprays, you can give your child the following:

Zodak You need to drip four drops before bedtime and in the morning. It is used even by infants.
Fenistil The drug relieves nasal congestion and itching in a baby from the first month of his life. The effect will become noticeable after 10 minutes.
Prevalin Significantly facilitate the child's breathing, free the nasal cavity from sputum. The effect comes a couple of hours after application.
Vibrocil Drops are vasoconstrictive, so it is forbidden to use them for more than five days. Designed for children older than one year.
Nasonex Relieves inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The result remains noticeable for three days. Suitable for 1 year old and older.
Cromohexal The drug is allowed to be used for a long time until the allergen ceases to exert its harmful effect. Used by children from the age of four.
Flixonase The drug is hormonal. The effect of the application comes from the first minutes. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. Designed for children from the age of four.

It is worth noting that in order to avoid manifestations of allergy to tree pollen in yourself or your child, you need to know all the flowering periods of plants, which will help you keep your immune system working properly. To familiarize yourself with such a flowering calendar, we recommend that you follow this link .

Traditional medicine against hay fever

Traditional medicine has thousands of recipes for getting rid of pollen allergies. Various infusions from the series are very effective. For example, you can take 1 tablespoon of grass and pour boiling water over it. After the broth is infused for about 20 minutes, drink it. It is necessary to drink three times a day, instead of the usual tea. For these purposes, you can use calendula. You need to cook it more concentrated and drink three tablespoons.

If your type of allergen does not cause cross-reactions with chamomile, you can use its infusions. It is known that in order to completely get rid of allergies, it is necessary to cleanse the body. Oatmeal can help with this. It is necessary to brew 0.5 kg of flakes with two liters of boiling water in a thermo bowl, insist for 10 hours (leave overnight), then strain and take during the day. viburnum

It is recommended to use collections of medicinal herbs:

  • Viburnum flowers, licorice root, elecampane, sage and mint. Take two tablespoons of this mixture, pour boiling water over it and leave for 8 hours. Take this remedy 4 times a day, approximately 50-70 grams.
  • Calamus marsh, comfrey and St. John's wort. These crushed components are poured into boiling water and boiled for about 10 minutes. Strain the broth and rinse your throat and nose with it several times a day.

Juice treatment is quite common. In this capacity, the following vegetables and fruits are used: carrots, cauliflower, cucumber, celery, parsley, apples. Such juices are considered natural diuretics, which remove the harmful allergen along with the liquid. For the treatment of pollinosis populists use alcohol tinctures. To do this, take an echinacea inflorescence and soak it in a glass of vodka or alcohol. After the tincture has stood for a week, strain it. It is recommended to use 25 drops every day, after diluting them in one hundred grams of water.

At home, you can also prepare drops and nasal rinses. Honey is often used for this. Dilute a small amount in warm water and drip twice a day. Aloe juice or Kalanchoe perfectly copes with nasal congestion. It is often recommended to drip onion juice. Use plain table salt or sea salt to prepare cleansers. A spoonful of this substance is diluted in a glass of boiled water. Rinse your nose twice a day.

To do this, you can also buy saline at a pharmacy. Its composition is a pure saline solution, which will contribute to the rapid healing of the mucous membrane and the normalization of its functioning. You can wash your nose with infusion of chamomile. Try to take baths with eucalyptus or pine needles extracts more often - this will help clear the airways. Do not forget about the grandmother's old method - inhalation with potato vapors.

Proper nutrition for hay fever

The main condition for curing any allergy is to follow a hypoallergenic diet. Because hay fever causes a lot of cross-reactions, avoid the following foods:

birch pollen
  • Birch sap, cherry;
  • Plum, peach;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Carrots, potatoes;
  • Celery, kiwi.
apple tree pollen
  • Apples;
  • Carrot;
  • Parsley dill;
  • Pear;
  • Apricot;
  • Sweet potato.
poplar pollen
  • Corn;
  • Chicory;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Honey;
  • Melon.
Alder and hazel pollen
  • Nuts;
  • Almonds, hazelnuts;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Beet;
  • Banana;
  • Citrus.

It is also worth limiting yourself in the use of dairy products and eggs. Try to exclude any seafood from your diet during the flowering period. Try to eat less fruits and berries. The use of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Protect yourself from the use of various seasonings and spices, mustard, sauces. Stop eating smoked and salty foods. It is better to avoid salt altogether. In addition to restrictions, there are many products that must be included:

  1. Dietary meat: beef, rabbit and turkey. Cook only for a couple, in the oven or boiled.
  2. Some vegetables: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, zucchini.
  3. Kashi: buckwheat, rice, barley, oatmeal, wheat. But, semolina is prohibited.
  4. You can use only vegetable oil: olive, sesame, linseed.
  5. Sometimes kefir and yogurt without flavorings are allowed.
  6. From drinks you can drink dried fruit compotes, green and mint tea.

Helpful Hints

If you are allergic to tree pollen, personal hygiene is important. To do this, take a shower every time you come from the street. If this is not possible, be sure to rinse your nose and wash thoroughly. Since pollen remains on the surface of our clothes, it is imperative to change into home clothes. When outdoors, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from allergens.

Carry out daily wet cleaning of the room. It will be useful to purchase a humidifier and air purifier. It is very important to maintain the right humidity in the apartment. If possible, get rid of carpets and soft toys. Pets walking on the street, window, balcony are carriers of hay fever.

During the flowering period, it is better to take a vacation and change your place of residence to another climatic zone. Go to the sea more often. If this is not possible, cover windows at home with damp sheets that will trap streams of dust and pollen. Before the start of the season, it is better to use some medicines for prevention. An allergist can help you with this.

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