Causes of allergies in adults

One of the diseases that periodically prevents a person from living fully and actively is an allergy. It is called an excessive reaction of the immune system to external and internal stimuli. They can be cold, heat, flowering plants and other factors.

For the first time, an allergy can manifest itself not only in childhood, but already in an adult, a fully formed person. So the debut of an adult allergy most often happens after the age of forty. Proper treatment can be carried out only after it is precisely established what exactly causes the allergy.

The cause of allergies in an adult can be the influence of various substances. These substances are called allergens. The most widely encountered are food products, plant pollen, house dust, wool, hair, dandruff, medicines of various kinds, and infections.

Allergic reactions that appear suddenly may not be new at all, but simply old. If a person had a certain type of allergy in childhood, and then his immunity weakened in adulthood, it can manifest itself again. This can happen in three cases:

  • The amount of allergen and its intensity of influence is much greater than in childhood.
  • The immune system has weakened, become more sensitive to various allergens. That is why those symptoms that were previously mildly expressed now became pronounced.
  • The type of allergy has changed. So immediately a person can suffer from an allergy to pollen, and then to mold, food products.

The body of people prone to allergies accumulates specific immune cells and proteins. When they enter the bloodstream, the allergen is combined with them. As a result, toxic substances enter the bloodstream, which can seriously harm the body and cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, allergy is characterized by the manifestation of the following symptoms: swelling, redness, fever, destruction of the structure of cells, severe itching and pain.

Sometimes the symptoms of allergies can be similar to those of other diseases, so a thorough examination is necessary before starting treatment.

There can be many reasons for allergies

  • psychological problems. They arise due to a person being in a state of depression for a long time, when a person cannot maintain inner peace, often occurring nervous disorders have a bad effect on the nervous system. These factors can be scandals between family members, problems at work, transitional age in adolescents and other negative influences that make people feel bad, be depressed, stressed, have no appetite. Because of this, the immune system weakens, and the body becomes more susceptible to negative factors.
  • very sterile living conditions. Due to the fact that a person rarely comes into contact with various infectious agents, his immune system is very weakened. Therefore, rural residents are less likely to suffer from allergies than urban residents.
  • ecological situation. Products are very rich in biologically active substances, hormones, antibiotics, and other substances. And constant electromagnetic radiation from household appliances. Such an action does not pass without consequences, it contributes to the growth of allergic pathologies.
  • Another key factor that affects the occurrence of allergies are diseases of the internal organs (liver, stomach, nervous system, endocrine system).
    unbalanced diet. Frequent consumption of semi-finished products, products with a high content of chemical additives, canned food, low-quality alcohol has a bad effect on the state of the nervous and digestive systems.
  • smoking. It can provoke the appearance of allergies due to constant nicotine intoxication, which adversely affects human health, weakening its immune systems.
  • weak immunity is not able to protect a person from various irritants.
  • household dust. Since the dust contains particles of wool, dandruff, skin, getting into the human body, they can provoke allergies.
  • Food. These may include citrus fruits, dairy products, fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, yeast baked goods. Food allergies develop rapidly in children.
  • alcoholic drinks. Allergic reactions are most often caused by those alcoholic drinks that contain a lot of dyes, preservatives, and artificial additives. The longer a wine ages, the more likely it is to cause allergic reactions, because it contains a lot of specific substances. Liqueurs, vermouths, wine (especially red) can provoke true and false allergic reactions. Treatment methods for these two types of allergic reactions differ significantly. Only an experienced allergist will be able to conclude what kind of allergic reaction this is.

To accurately determine the cause of the allergy, allergy tests are taken from the patient. Thanks to these tests, you can understand which medications will be more effective in eliminating allergy symptoms. As soon as the allergen is determined, the doctor advises to exclude contact with it.

So, if you are allergic to dust from the apartment, you should remove heavy curtains, upholstered furniture, pillows. Instead, you should put wooden or iron furniture, hang light curtains made from natural materials.

Also, it is important that the front doors and windows in the house or apartment are tightly closed, do not allow dust or other allergens (pollen, wool) to pass through. The filler in the pillows should be foam or synthetic winterizer. It is forbidden to use various aerosols and sprays, perfumes, toilet water.

To be able to recover from allergies and not limit yourself in everything, you need to find the root cause and eliminate it.
Many allergic reactions provoke slagging of the body, which contributes to the occurrence of conjunctivitis, various types of dermatitis, cough. Decaying food residues introduce toxins into the blood, destroy the microflora. By this, they provoke disorders in the functioning of the immune system, malfunctions in the normal functioning of the liver, and increase the susceptibility of the body.

Often, allergies occur due to infectious or colds, viral diseases, which are treated with antibiotics that weaken the immune system.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the cause of allergies, it is worth cleaning the intestines and blood from various types of toxins. Taking care of your own liver, a person saves himself from various allergic diseases.

Respiratory allergy

Respiratory allergy is called allergy, in which allergens contained in the air enter the human body through the respiratory tract. These substances can be - dust, pollen, chemical compounds. This allergy can cause sneezing, itching, watery eyes, coughing, and wheezing. its consequences are called bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis.

These symptoms are often confused with the common cold. Distinctive features of these diseases is that when a patient has a cold, there is also an increase in body temperature, discharge from the nose is not transparent in color, sneezing occurs once. not in whole series. Allergy symptoms take longer to manifest than colds.

Allergy with eye damage

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are inflammation and redness of the eyes, their swelling, the flow of tears, itching, "sand in the eyes."

Allergy in skin lesions

When an allergy affects the condition of the skin, it is called a skin allergy. The main allergic diseases that have a pronounced severity of symptoms of skin lesions are urticaria, Quincke's edema, and neurodermatitis. They can manifest as eczema, peeling, dry skin, swelling, blisters. Such an allergy can be caused by both food and other cosmetics and medicines.

Urticaria manifests itself in the form of a rash on the skin, the appearance of blisters, which are complemented by severe itching, burning sensation, the symptoms resemble a nettle burn. A wheal is called a small focal edema. urticaria can manifest itself on the arms, legs, torso, along with a slight increase in body temperature, general weakness, lethargy, and malaise. Symptoms of the disease disappear within a day if the allergen no longer enters the body.

Allergy in the gastrointestinal tract

When an allergy provoked a gastrointestinal tract lesion, the following symptoms may appear:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation
  • swelling of the lips;
  • swelling of the tongue;
  • intestinal colic.

As a result of the appearance of such an allergy, anaphylactic shock may occur, in which a person’s consciousness is clouded, or he faints, his blood pressure drops, breathing stops, involuntary urination occurs, and some other symptoms.

Climatic conditions also influence the occurrence of allergies. After all, light, cold, heat allergies are closely related to the climate of the geographical area in which a person lives. The climate is also important for people who suffer from hay fever.

For example, Western Europe is the place of growth of plants that cause hay fever. Moreover, in different parts of the continent, different intensity of these diseases is observed.

In the northern part of France, plane trees and ash trees, ferns and grasses grow, the pollen of which can cause allergic reactions.

Industrial areas of large cities are also considered places of outbreaks of allergic diseases. These zones are dangerous both because of the high concentration of emissions of harmful substances into the air, and because man-made emissions depress the immune system, making a person even more susceptible to various diseases.

The occurrence of new allergy symptoms can be caused by factors such as:

  • Place and specifics of work. It has a great influence on the occurrence of allergies, as constant contact with chemicals, wood dust, chemicals, latex, lubricants can cause red spots on the skin, which are accompanied by itching. Sometimes a change of place of work can lead to the fact that new allergens begin to affect the human body or old allergens increase their influence.
  • Moving. Any change in meta habitat, whether it be business trips, moving to another apartment, district, city, country, can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions. An allergic reaction can be triggered by mold, dust mites, animal hair. It may appear immediately or after several years.
  • Food allergy syndromes. With pollinosis, there are often cases when a person has allergic reactions in the oral cavity in the form of itching or inflammation of the mucous membranes. Such a reaction can also occur on those foods that you have previously eaten more than once.
  • Eating fish and other seafood. In an adult, an allergic reaction also occurs due to eating seafood - crabs, lobsters, shrimp.

Fever as a serious allergy symptom

Allergies can manifest themselves in various parts of the body, and in some cases are characterized by an increase in temperature. Some symptoms begin to appear after a few minutes, and some over several weeks. Since the appearance of a temperature is considered a serious symptom of an allergy, as soon as you notice its occurrence, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In addition to an increase in body temperature, the following symptoms are noted: tearing, redness of the skin, hay fever, indigestion, joint pain, nasal congestion, joint pain, vomiting, urticaria.

When the first symptoms appear, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor, because mild symptoms can turn into a more acute form. Complications will be considered a rapid pulse, anaphylactic shock, dizziness, skin stickiness, convulsions, nausea, collapse. Such symptoms are very dangerous, they can lead to death.

Treatment of allergies in adults

For those who have mild allergy symptoms, it is recommended to take antihistamines. But before taking them, you should definitely go to an appointment with an allergist. He will be able to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective and safe treatment.

There are three ways to eliminate allergies:

  • do not come into contact with the allergen
  • use medications: antihistamines and decongestants, steroid drugs, spray, ointment, cream.
  • give injections that can gradually change the immune system's response to the allergen.

Treatment of allergies with folk methods

Shilajit is considered a very effective remedy for allergies. Its solution lubricates the affected areas of the skin, and is also taken orally in a reduced concentration. Children under five years of age need a dosage reduced by half.

The shell of a chicken egg helps to get rid of allergic rashes. By taking ground eggshells along with a few drops of lemon juice several times a day after meals, you can completely get rid of allergy symptoms.

Vegetable juices are also very effective in treating allergies. So, by mixing carrot, cucumber, beet juice, you can get a cure for allergies.

Dandelion juice is effective in treating allergies in both adults and children. Dandelion leaves are pressed and diluted with water. This liquid is taken several times a day twenty minutes before meals. The full course of treatment is 6 weeks.

Systemic way to treat allergies

The essence of this method is to fully affect the human body with maximum efficiency.
At the first stage, it is worth carrying out a complete cleansing of the body, using activated charcoal and juices (apple and cucumber).
The second step is to strengthen the immune system.
Saturate the body with beneficial microflora, consume fermented milk products daily for a month. In the final stage, the focus is on diet. You need to adjust your daily menu, use sea or soy sauce instead of table salt, eat cereals with fruits, fresh apples every morning. Limit the consumption of yeast baking, do not drink black tea and coffee.

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Discussion: 2 comments
  1. Tatiana:

    allergy in the eyes, the eyelids are reddened, swollen, the skin under the eyes is covered with a crust, sometimes wet, sometimes dry, it worries me very much, they prescribed tavegil and hydrocortisone, but nothing helps, how to remove these redness, it will be a month in this state

  2. Diana:

    Thanks for the article, I'll keep it in mind


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