Causes of hand allergies

Hand dermatitis - inflammation of their skin begins to develop under the influence of some factors. Some of them are unconditional (provoke an allergic reaction in every person), and others are conditional (they are able to provoke an allergic reaction only in a highly sensitive person).

Unconditional factors are acid, alkali, temperature, chemical reagent. After the first contact with them, dermatitis immediately develops. What kind of skin a person has is also of great influence: thin, sensitive or rougher. Those people who have thin skin on their hands very often experience symptoms of irritation, especially housewives who use strong detergents and cleaning products.

To cure dermatitis, it is worth using certain schemes. Since very often such diseases develop due to the fact that a person suffers from any diseases of the internal organs, the treatment process begins with a comprehensive examination.

When a foreign body enters the human body, antibodies begin to be synthesized in the blood, which are designed to fight it.
This process is called sensitization. The skin of the hands begins to become covered with various rashes, thereby showing a protective reaction. A person develops dermatitis.

There are two types of allergic dermatitis:

  • Acute, which is expressed in the form of swelling and redness of the skin of the hands, watery rashes filled with transparent or bloody contents. When the bubble burst, the patient experiences severe discomfort. When the inflammation subsides, the skin becomes covered with crusts and scales.
  • Chronic, accompanied by lichenification of the skin (its thickening), peeling, cracking, severe keratinization, and sometimes death of the skin.

causes of hand allergiesThe skin performs a protective function against various exogenous influences. Very young children and adults at least once in their lives faced with the problem of allergies on the palms. It may look like a small rash, peeling of the skin, purulent formations, red spots.

There are a lot of diseases that are associated with damage to the skin of the hands, but we will focus on allergies on the palms and the causes that provoke it.

Factors that influence the development of allergies can be divided into two groups:

Endogenous causes:

  • physical influence;
  • chemical influence;
  • insect bites;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules.

Exogenous causes:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • the presence of acute or chronic diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • medication.

Let's take a closer look at exactly what factors can cause an allergic reaction:

  1. One-time or regular contact with household chemicals. Those toxic substances that have a strong effect cause great harm to the skin of the hands. A rash, severe itching appear on the affected areas, cracks and wounds form on the fingers, so it is very painful to bend and unbend them.
  2. Food products of poor quality often provoke the occurrence of allergic dermatitis, in particular in young children. After all, their immune system is not yet formed. Most often, an allergic reaction has the form of urticaria. It occurs most often after a person has eaten fruits, bright-colored berries, chocolate, mushrooms, and drunk cow's milk.
  3. An allergic reaction on the palms can also occur due to the fact that a person has been in the cold for a long time. He will have symptoms very similar to frostbite: red skin, great sensitivity, pain, dryness. A similar reaction occurs both on the palms and on the feet.
  4. Allergy on the palms of a child is most often caused by the intake of products, and contact with substances of an allergenic nature.

Hand allergy symptoms

The main symptoms of this disease are:

  • peeling of the skin
  • constant severe itching;
  • bubbles;
  • burning sensation;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • wetting.

The development of simple skin dermatitis occurs immediately after the body has been exposed to a chemical solution or temperature. In the affected area, strong pain sensations immediately arise, which depend on how deeply and for how long the allergen has acted on the skin. These manifestations may be reddening of the skin, blisters, blisters, or death of skin tissue. Such lesions occur when a person works in chemical industries that are associated with the manufacture of liquids.

A very common dermatitis that develops gradually, and most often occurs in women. After all, it is the representatives of the weaker sex that are much more likely to come into contact with detergents and cleaning products: gels, washing powders, dishwashing detergents. The first symptoms of a skin allergy will be a mild rash, red spots and pimples, dry skin, itching. In order to quickly get rid of this problem, you need to start treatment when the first symptoms appear.

When treatment is started too late, the disease has time to progress further. Moreover, if during this period the use of household chemicals is continued, the manifestation of sores, deep cracks will become noticeable on the hands, which even after healing will remain on the skin in the form of scars. The main symptomatology can be supplemented by nervousness, anxiety, insomnia. Such symptoms will be accompanied by incessant itching, a change in the structure of the skin - it will become bluish in color, with an enhanced skin pattern, and coarsened areas.

Dermatitis is caused not only by chemicals, detergents. Its appearance is facilitated by taking medications, contact with plants or animals, and injuries. The causes of allergies are taken into account so that correct and quick treatment can be carried out.


Diagnosing the disease is quite simple. You need to make an appointment with a specialist with great experience (dermatologist, therapist, pediatrician). He will have to collect an anamnesis, and conduct laboratory tests, after which it will be possible to make an accurate diagnosis without any problems.

Hand allergy treatment

Depending on the form in which the disease is now, what degree of neglect it is, it is necessary to carry out appropriate treatment. So, when the form of the disease is mild, you can be treated with folk remedies, herbal infusions that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Doctors recommended to use vitamins of group A and trace elements of zinc. If the allergy on the palms is in advanced form with severe symptoms, then it is treated with hormonal agents. In the acute period of the disease, the child should not be vaccinated.

Food allergies are eliminated by eliminating the allergen and your usual diet. To do this, they make up a special diet, which should provide the patient's body with all the necessary vitamins, preparations and minerals and at the same time not include allergenic foods.

Other types of allergic dermatitis are treated systemically. Contact with the allergen is immediately excluded, and then special ointments, creams, antihistamines are applied. In especially severe cases, treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed. It is very important to adhere to proper care, combining it with systemic treatment.

Treatment with folk methods

In order to cure allergies with folk remedies, special herbal infusions are prepared, which are used both externally and internally.

To prepare a decoction of birch buds, take 10 grams of raw materials, pour boiling water over it (200 ml). After that, this mixture is cooled, and used to wipe the skin. This decoction helps to eliminate eczema, itching, irritation, any inflammatory skin processes.

To prepare a decoction of grape leaves, put 1 tablespoon of dried grape leaves in an enamel bowl, pour them with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes.

A decoction of oak bark is prepared in a water bath for half an hour. To do this, twenty grams of bark is poured with a glass of boiling water.

Preventive actions

It is recommended to carry out preventive measures for children who have an increased predisposition to allergic reactions. These include:

  • hand hygiene;
  • proper nutrition;
  • observance of the daily routine.

In adults, in addition to the above activities, the following are also added:

  • limiting the use of cosmetics;
  • selection of the correct dosage of drugs;
  • complete nutrition;
  • sports.

Prevent the appearance of allergies by the following methods:

  1. By passing the examination and eliminating any interaction with irritants. Do it in special allergological centers. It is best to diagnose the disease during its remission, most often it is winter.
  2. They replace ordinary household chemicals with more expensive and safer analogues, which contain no more harmful substances, but rather those that take care of the skin of the hands.
  3. They make up a personal diet that provides for the exclusion of allergens, but at the same time contains all the necessary components.

Find out more information about the causes of hand allergies from our consultant.

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