Allergy treatment with Diprospan

In the 21st century, there are many drugs developed to treat allergies. One of the most effective is Diprospan. Therefore, consider the indications, contraindications, side effects, and its other features.

Indications for use

Diprospan is a medicine that is used to provide emergency care for acute asthma, anaphylactic shock, allergies to any drugs, urticaria that occurs in conjunction with Quincke's edema, as well as generalized urticaria. The second situation when Diprospan is prescribed for the treatment of allergies is the absence of the expected therapeutic effect from antihistamine drugs (for example, from oral medications, ointments for treating affected skin areas, nasal or eye drops, etc.). This happens in the presence of such ailments as:

  • hay fever;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • psoriasis;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • neurodermatitis.

Before prescribing Diprospan therapy for allergies, the doctor must assess the patient's condition, and the risks of negative reactions from his body.

Diprospan: contraindications

  • Almost every drug has a number of contraindications.
    In this case, these include: any kidney disease, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • hypertension;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • systemic mycoses;
  • thromboembolic syndrome;
  • osteoporosis.

Diprospan for allergies is not prescribed for young children under the age of three. Its use by pregnant and lactating women is undesirable. This corticosteroid is able to easily cross the placenta, provoke the development of adrenal insufficiency in the fetus. If the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the health of the fetus, the medicine may be prescribed by a doctor. Then the patient will have to be under the constant supervision of a doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited!

Also, the drug can not be used in case of hypersensitivity to betamethasone, corticosteroids. With special care, Diprospan in the form of injections is prescribed for nonspecific ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis of the liver, diverticulitis. Before prescribing Diprospan therapy for allergies, the doctor must assess the patient's condition, and the risks of negative reactions from his body.

Cautious use of Diprosp

Allergy injections Diprospan are performed under the strict supervision of a doctor if the patient has a pathology of the heart, blood vessels, diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, immunodeficiency states, viruses, fungal diseases. Diprospan is used with caution to treat allergies with hypoalbuminemia, overweight, eye diseases and some other ailments.

Diprospan: main benefits

Consider the most important advantages of this drug over other steroids in the form of injections. The solution itself consists of 2 fractions. Thanks to the first fraction, a rapid effect of the drug occurs. The second contributes to the formation of the so-called "depot" in the area where the injection was made. From the "depot" betamethasone easily penetrates into human vessels. Thus, it turns out to always maintain the required concentration of the drug in the blood (about three weeks).

After therapy with Diprospan for allergies in the form of injections, acute inflammation is relieved very quickly, after which a long remission begins. This period usually lasts three to four weeks. The dual mechanism of action makes it possible to achieve the maximum effect from the use of minimal dosages of hormonal drugs. It plays an important role in the acute inflammatory process in people with allergies. Just one injection may be enough to eliminate the negative symptoms of allergies, improve overall well-being compared to long-term therapy with low-potency steroid drugs in the form of injections.

Doses, course of treatment

It is important to remember that the dosage, duration of the drug is selected by the doctor individually for each patient. It all depends on the complexity and type of the disease. If Diprospan is prescribed for emergency care, the usual dosage for a single injection is from 0.5 to 2 ml. The medicine is injected intramuscularly into the buttock of the patient. If the doctor sees a need, he may prescribe repeated injections against allergies. When the treatment was not so effective, did not bring the expected positive effect, the specialist advises the patient to undergo infusion therapy with other systemic corticosteroids. To cure the chronic form of the disease, you may need a single application or a course lasting up to several weeks. Everything is individual, this should always be remembered. Allergic bronchitis, hay fever, urticaria, bronchial asthma can be cured with one or more injections of Diprospan.

The specific number of injections is set by the doctor. With regards to rhinitis of an allergic nature, it is possible to prescribe one injection. Perform it in the fold of the skin of the vestibule of the nose. The medicine is injected into each nostril, 0.5 ml. If a patient is diagnosed with psoriasis with a parallel course of psoriatic arthritis, Diprospan may be prescribed for long-term treatment. In this case, the drug is injected every one to two days into the gluteal muscle, 2 ml. After achieving a clinical effect (this usually occurs after 20-30 days), the dosage of the drug begins to be reduced to a minimum. When the drug is completely canceled, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for another year. Sometimes it takes more time.

Side effects

If the drug against allergies is used for a long time, its hormonal effects contribute to the development of various side effects. The most basic are:

  • acne disease;
  • a state of depression;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • worsening of the work of the heart;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the skin;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle in women;
  • visual impairment (in particular with cataracts, glaucoma).

In addition, a negative impact can provoke the appearance of other negative effects. For example, to increased arousal, ulcerative bleeding, to rapid weight gain. Diprospan in the so-called spent form is transported to a vital human organ - the liver. Then the process of destruction of foreign molecules is already carried out, the excretion of the drug along with urine. For 20-30 days after taking the medicine, the body is completely cleared of Diprospan.

Reviews about the drug

Most of the patients who underwent therapy with this drug talk about its high efficiency. Diprospan is able to eliminate the signs of allergies in a fairly short period of time. The drug perfectly helps those patients who are allergic to ragweed during its flowering period. Also, Diprospan injections can eliminate the symptoms of various joint diseases. In addition to positive effects, there are also negative ones. Patients often complain about the occurrence of side effects from this medication, which in turn contributes to the difficulty of further treatment, forcing them to go back to the hospital for medical help. Before using any drug, you must always consult with a specialist. We wish you to be healthy, do not self-medicate!

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