Consequences of allergies

The word "allergy" is on everyone's lips these days. This is due to the increasing incidence of this disease. Modern man is exposed to various harmful factors that provoke the development of allergic sensitivity of the body. So, what is an allergy and what causes it to appear in individuals?

What is an allergy?

And so, an allergy is a dysfunction of the immune system, which acquires hypersensitivity towards friendly environmental components. In response to an allergen, the body produces immune proteins called “antibodies” in response to an allergen. The task of antibodies is to notify the immune system of the invasion of foreign agents. As a result of their signal, the body takes response actions, the purpose of which is to remove the allergen in various ways: with the help of a runny nose or an allergic cough, through the skin and blood vessels. Subsequently, a person manifests various allergy symptoms (skin, respiratory, gastrointestinal).

Depending on the specific immunity, the consequences of an allergy can be caused by two mechanisms of the immune response:

  • Instant response

This mechanism develops as a consequence of the production of antibodies of the IgE class by plasma cells. Antibodies act on cells that contain histamine (a hormone that starts the inflammatory cascades in allergies). With an instant response, local immunity of sensitive tissues is involved. As a result, the reaction develops very quickly, since it does not require long-term movement of immune system cells through the general bloodstream to the tissues (this process is called “migration”).

  • Long answer

A prolonged immune response is associated with the movement of immune cells directly into the zone of sensitive tissues. Basically, it occurs with symptoms of dermatitis. Immune cells, in this case, have a stimulating effect on the growth of connective tissue, which forms puffiness. As a result, specific symptoms appear in the form of a skin rash.

Consequences of allergies

If the patient thinks that the allergy is just some kind of cosmetic defect or discomfort in the form of a runny nose. In fact, allergies are not as simple a disease as they look on the surface. The consequences of allergies, bronchial asthma or anaphylactic shock can be fatal for the patient. For this reason, you should not be dismissive of the existing allergic disorders.

Skin effects of allergies

Our skin, due to its protective function, has a developed local immunity. Local immunity is a part of the immune system localized within an organ. Unfortunately, in the case of an allergy, immunity works against a person, which leads to various consequences in the form of a rash on the skin. Skin allergic symptoms can appear both instantly, after contact, and after a considerable time. Sometimes, it can take several weeks from the moment the allergen hits to the development of the skin consequences of the disease. A similar variant of the development of the disease can most often be encountered as part of a food or drug allergy.

What can trigger skin allergies:

  • Food;
  • Components of cosmetics and household chemicals;
  • Insect bites;
  • High intensity ultraviolet radiation;
  • Medications;
  • Substances released during industrial production;
  • Animal wool;
  • Synthetic fabrics;
  • Substances found in plant juices.

Skin effects from contact with the allergen:

  • The appearance of a variety of skin rashes. It can be represented by both nodular rashes and acne, as well as redness;
  • The development of edema of skin tissues;
  • Expansion of local capillaries;
  • The appearance of swelling and redness;
  • Intense skin itching. By this symptom, you can indirectly recognize an allergic reaction from other skin diseases;
  • Peeling of the skin, the appearance of scales;
  • Isolation of liquid. It can be both colorless and have a yellow tint;
  • Burning and discomfort, in places of localization of an allergic reaction;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin, leading to the development of bleeding.

Allergic dermatitis

consequences of allergiesAllergic dermatitis is a group of symptoms that is characterized by a specific type of skin rash that develops after an allergen enters the body. Dermatitis effects are common in people who have allergic sensitivities to foods, drugs, cosmetics, cleaning products or materials.

Dermatitis develops more slowly than other types of allergic reactions. The smallest interval from contact with the allergen is 4-6 hours, while the maximum can take several weeks. This causes a number of difficulties in determining the substance to which the patient has an acute sensitivity.

This consequence of an allergy can be identified by a specific mechanism for the development of symptoms.
At the beginning, itching and redness of the skin, caused by swelling, appears. Then peeling develops, which later turns into blistering rashes filled with liquid. From this liquid, in case of opening of bubble formations, a hard, uneven crust is formed. The most common sites of localization of dermatitis are: face, elbows, knees, groin. Less commonly, it occurs on the back, chest, and legs. Its distribution is also a far from unambiguous thing. Some people experience minor manifestations of dermatitis, while others may develop an intense rash covering large areas of the skin. Dermatitis in children often manifests itself on the buttocks.


Urticaria is also a frequent consequence of the food, contact or medicinal variety. Also, its symptoms can be triggered by insect bites, in sensitive individuals and household chemicals.

The consequences of allergies in the form of urticaria appear very quickly. In some cases, the patient can see firsthand how her symptoms spread throughout the body. By itself, this symptom is a slightly raised formation of red or pink. The shape of these formations is rounded, often uneven. They may vary in size, but in general, these symptoms are quite recognizable.


This consequence of an allergic reaction is a skin manifestation that is directly related to the functioning of the nervous system. In most cases, neurodermatitis is first detected in early childhood and is fixed for life, returning again after contact with the allergen. A feature of this type of allergy is the intensification of its symptoms during neuropsychic stress.

This disorder can develop as a result of the influence of numerous factors, including: an unfavorable environmental situation, an increasing number of permanent allergens (during the development of industry, food production), a lack of vitamin and mineral components, an unhealthy lifestyle, irregular and malnutrition.

Modern medical science has not come to a definite common denominator in looking at the causes of this disorder. It is not known whether it develops due to nervous or immune disorders. But the influence of the nervous system on the symptoms is obvious.

Neurodermatitis can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • Strong craving for combing the affected areas;
  • Various manifestations of the rash, which can be in the form of vesicles, fairly large blisters or redness;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • Strong edematous and inflammatory processes;
  • The appearance of subcutaneous fluid, which tends to go beyond the skin;
  • Increased itching in the evening and at bedtime.

As a consequence of neurodermatitis, various nervous disorders can develop. A person, during an exacerbation of the disease, becomes more nervous, irritable, the ability to concentrate decreases, and night sleep is disturbed.

Effects of Allergy on the Respiratory (Respiratory) System

Respiratory effects of allergies represent the lion's share of the symptoms of this disease. They arise as a result of the ingress of allergens, along with the inhaled air. This determines the nature of the substances that provoke respiratory symptoms. They must be so light that their weight provides the ability to move through the air. The most common allergens are: plant pollen, dust, poplar fluff, volatile components of cosmetics and household hygiene products, animal hair.

The difficulty for a person with sensitivity to respiratory allergens lies in their prevalence. Take at least plant pollen - the most common instigator of respiratory allergies. It spreads for many kilometers from the original source, penetrates into dwellings, porches, public places. Can settle on furniture and other household items. As a result, during flowering, an allergic person has contact with it around the clock, of varying degrees of intensity.

Manifestations of respiratory allergies:

  • Severe sneezing attacks that the patient begins to experience immediately after exposure to the allergen;
  • Swelling and vasodilation of the nasal mucosa;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Migraines due to lack of oxygen;
  • Swelling of the areas adjacent to the nasal passages;
  • General weakness and malaise;
  • Feeling of sore throat, reminiscent of colds;
  • Attacks of dry cough;
  • Irritation of the sinuses;
  • Inflammatory processes of the vocal cords, which in some cases cause temporary loss of voice;
  • Tearing of the eyes, their redness.

Respiratory allergies develop almost instantly after contact with allergens. Its symptoms do not arise by themselves, but without interaction with the provoking substance, they are gradually eliminated.

How to protect yourself from the effects of respiratory allergies:

  • Carry out frequent washing of linen, especially curtains, curtains and curtains;
  • Clean the room wet. Pay close attention to the cleanliness of windows and window sills;
  • Try not to keep soft toys and decorative pillows at home, as these items accumulate in large quantities true and other dangerous components;
  • Remember that smoke, perfumes, deodorants, air fresheners, dust, dry air increase the symptoms of respiratory allergies;
  • Use various devices to purify the air circulating in the room;
  • Do not allow low humidity in the room in which you often stay;
  • If you are allergic to animal hair, you should study in detail what materials are included in the products you use.
  • After contact with the allergen, rinse the nasal passages with a saline solution of warm water (1 teaspoon per half liter of water), take a shower with soap and water, wash your hair and put your clothes in the wash.

Bronchial asthma as a consequence of allergies

The presence of respiratory allergies, in some cases, can be the impetus for the development of bronchial asthma, the symptoms of which develop after contact with allergens. In this regard, we are talking about allergic bronchial asthma.

By what mechanism does bronchial asthma develop?

The allergen stimulates the release of biologically active substances that cause certain transformations in the organs of the respiratory system;
The impact of these substances stimulates the contraction of the muscles that surround the bronchi;
Mucus secretion develops inside the bronchial canals, which makes breathing even more difficult;
As a result of the reduction of the bronchial lumen, attacks of suffocation occur.

Asthma attacks cause a sharp blockage of the airways, as a result of which the patient breathes often and with great difficulty. The process of breathing, in this case, is carried out due to the skeletal muscles of the chest. During an asthma attack, the patient has a severe and violent cough, which disappears with the appearance of sputum, which is excreted from the inflamed bronchi.

For the treatment of bronchial asthma, not only anti-allergic drugs are used, but also special anti-asthmatic drugs. Directly attacks of bronchial asthma are stopped with the help of special inhalers containing substances that relieve bronchospasm.

Dangerous consequences of allergies

Anaphylactic shock

This type of allergic manifestation is perhaps the most dangerous consequence of this disease. Similar symptoms develop in people who have a characteristic feature of the immune system, expressed in the presence of acute sensitivity to any allergen.

And so, what is anaphylactic shock and what dangerous consequences can it cause?
And so, most often this symptom develops with allergies to insect bites (especially bees, wasps, bumblebees and hornets); medicinal substances; food (nuts, chocolate, honey, shrimp, milk, eggs - most often). As a result of an allergenic effect, a spasm of the larynx and bronchi develops, as well as swelling of the mucous membranes of this area, the pressure drops critically, the patient feels a lack of oxygen due to the blockage of the airways. As a result of anaphylactic shock, cardiac arrest may develop.

Consequences of taking antiallergic drugs

Allergy symptoms are eliminated with the help of various medications that are used to eliminate them. For this reason, consideration of the consequences of allergies would not be complete without mentioning the consequences caused by the side effects of drugs.

a drug consequences
  • drowsiness, lethargy, decreased daily activity;
  • tachycardia;
  • urinary retention;
  • dry mouth;
  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • decreased functional activity of the liver and kidneys;
  • arrhythmia
corticosteroid drugs
  • dystrophy of skeletal muscles;
  • ulcerative and gastritis diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thinning of the heart muscle;
  • weakening of the connective tissue of the joints and ligaments;
  • insufficiency of the adrenal cortex;
  • accumulation of fluid in tissues;
  • growth of the fat layer;
  • muscle weakness;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle
eye drops
  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • sensation of a foreign object;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • the appearance of fog before the eyes;
  • decreased visual acuity
nasal drops
  • nosebleeds;
  • drying of the mucous membrane;
  • thinning of the nasal septum;
  • itchy nose
ointments for allergies
  • decreased skin immunity;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • dryness and roughness of the skin;
  • deterioration of skin regeneration

The consequences of allergies for children

In the first years of life, the child's body is in a state of extreme vulnerability, it can react with the development of allergic reactions to a wide variety of substances. This is determined by the characteristics of the emerging immunity of the baby. Over time, many children who suffer from allergic reactions in childhood say goodbye to them as they grow older. Most allergic reactions in children develop as a result of improper feeding, as well as in cases where the mother does not adhere to a special diet. As a result of this, allergic reactions develop, as a result of allergens entering along with mother's milk.

Food allergies in children can have gastrointestinal effects that include bloating, stomach pain, stool problems, and other gastrointestinal disturbances. As a result of irritation of the walls of the stomach and intestines by allergens, the baby's food is poorly absorbed. Subsequently, the child experiences nutritional deficiencies, which negatively affects the growth and development of the child's body.

Allergic reactions can also be a consequence of the lack of breastfeeding. Through the mother's milk, the child's body gets used to the food components, as a result of which the child's immunity works correctly. Also, breast milk is an extremely important component of a healthy diet for a baby. At the moment, there is simply no worthy alternative to it. This must be taken into account when organizing breastfeeding, which modern women practice less and less. Moreover, these cases are not always associated with objective contraindications.

The conditions in which the child lives must be clean, but excessive sterility leaves the baby's immunity without work. Therefore, do not abuse in this matter, but adhere to a reasonable measure. After all, many well-meaning parents protect the child from the slightest speck of dust. And as a result, we get immunity, which simply does not know how to work correctly.

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