In the modern world, allergic reactions occur in almost everyone. Allergy affects everyone, without choosing the stratum of the population or the status of the person. The disease occurs as a result of increased sensitivity of the body to external stimuli. There are a large number of reasons why allergies occur: food, plants, dust, animals, household chemicals, medications, ecology.
Recently, it has become popular to follow the advice of traditional medicine in the treatment of allergies. And for good reason, because these methods give a positive result in a fairly short period of time. Folk remedies for allergies are more effective and do not cause other unwanted allergic reactions. Depending on the location of the allergy, you can choose for yourself several ways. Often manifestations occur on the skin and mucous membranes of the body.
Treatment of allergic rhinitis with folk remedies
Almost every type of allergy is characterized by rhinitis. It manifests itself in the form of a severe runny nose, nasal congestion, bouts of sneezing, severe itching in the nasal cavity. Often these signs are mistaken for manifestations of a cold and treatment is started incorrectly. Folk methods for the treatment of rhinitis are diverse. The main ones include birch tar.
This remedy should be taken every morning. It is worth dissolving a few drops of tar in a glass of milk, which can be purchased at every pharmacy. It’s worth starting with two drops of the product, increasing their amount by a drop every day. So it is worth reaching 12 drops. After that, the whole process should go in reverse order. The entire course of allergy treatment lasts 24 days. Be sure to take a week-long break, and repeat the course again. This will help not only get rid of allergic rhinitis, but also cleanse the blood and blood vessels.
With this ailment, simple sea salt does an excellent job. It is enough to dilute a spoonful of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse the nose with a solution three times a day. This will help clear the upper respiratory tract, make breathing easier and quickly restore irritated nasal mucosa. Also, such a folk remedy will protect the cavity from exposure to external allergens: pollen, dust, animal hair, household chemicals.
Medicinal herbs are very popular. The most effective against allergies include:
- 5 spoons of centaury;
- 4 spoons of St. John's wort;
- 4 tablespoons chopped rosehip;
- 3 tablespoons of dandelion root;
- 1 spoon of horsetail.
These components are thoroughly mixed. One spoonful of the mixture is poured over two cups of boiling water. The decoction should be left to stand for a day. After that, be sure to boil on fire. You need to drink 100-150 grams three times a day. The course of treatment with a folk remedy is quite long - up to six months, but the result is guaranteed.
Probably in every house there is such a flower as aloe. It is enough to instill five drops of aloe juice up to three times a day. Sea buckthorn oil has the same anti-allergic properties. Populists advise using dandelion juice in the fight against allergic rhinitis. Flowers, along with stems, but without roots, are passed through a meat grinder. Through cheesecloth, juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass. The juice that has turned out is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1, brought to a boil over a fire. You need to take juice two tablespoons inside half an hour before meals.
Folk remedies for allergic urticaria
Allergic urticaria often occurs due to allergies to the sun, food, pollen, and insect bites. It manifests itself in the form of small pimples, blisters, which from time to time spread throughout the body, unite into massive areas of damage. A rash on the skin is always very itchy, which leads to a burning sensation. For the treatment of urticaria, at the initial stage, it is required to remove the swelling of the skin. Apply a cold compress and calendula lotion.
It has been found that vodka or alcohol also helps relieve swelling. After eliminating the inflammation of the skin, itching and burning will significantly decrease. For further successful treatment of allergies, and not just relieving symptoms, you can use the collection of the following herbs:
- Melissa;
- Hop;
- Valerian.
The ingredients must be taken in equal quantities and thoroughly mixed and chopped. One spoon of the mixture should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Let the decoction brew for just an hour. For three doses, drink a glass of infusion half an hour before meals. The following decoction of herbs against allergies is also popular with polarity:
- Mint;
- Immortelle;
- Tansy;
- St. John's wort.
The proportions are the same, only you need to pour two glasses of hot water. Children cannot drink such a folk infusion, because tansy is included in the composition. Allergy remedies in folk medicine involve the use of simple duckweed. Alcohol tincture of duckweed helps to treat allergic urticaria. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 10 tablespoons of duckweed with 400 grams of vodka or alcohol. The mixture should be put for a week in a dark, cool place. Using a cotton pad, simply wipe the affected areas of the skin.
Peppermint is an excellent folk remedy for allergies. Its decoction is used both internally and externally. Mint leaves have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. It is required not only to wipe the skin with infusion, but also to add the product to the general bath. For a healing bath against allergic urticaria, the following are suitable:
- succession;
- Lavender;
- Melissa;
- Needles;
- Calendula;
- Essential oils of fir, pine, spruce, tea tree.
If urticaria, as an allergic reaction, is detected in time, celery juice is perfect. You can both squeeze the juice and the stem, and wipe the body with a cut. Very effective remedy for urticaria due to sun allergy. In this case, cucumber or cabbage juice is suitable.
Folk remedies for allergic cough
Treatment of allergies with folk remedies will also help with coughing. An allergic cough differs from a cold in that it is never accompanied by an increase in body temperature, sputum production. It is always dry, comes in attacks and lasts for a long time - from two weeks to a whole season. Attacks of such a cough intensify at night.
Folk remedies will help soften the cough, relieve inflammation of the throat and restore its mucous membrane. An excellent remedy is honey with lemon. It is worth noting that if the cough is caused by an allergy to plant pollen, honey is contraindicated. In other cases, it is worth following this recipe: a whole lemon, along with the peel, is crushed, honey is taken twice as much as a lemon, and water - four times more. Everything is thoroughly mixed and heated over a fire, but not brought to a boil. After all, when boiling, all healing properties are lost. You need to drink such a remedy as often as possible in small portions.
A mixture of lemon, chamomile and black tea will help to significantly reduce the number of coughing fits, and soon eliminate them altogether. It is desirable to brew such tea in a thermos, having stood for some time. Drink several times a day in small sips in a warm form. Against an allergic cough, such folk methods also help:
Cahors, aloe and honey | Wash a few sheets of aloe thoroughly, dry, wrap in foil and put in a dark, cool place without moisture. After drying, chop the leaves, add honey and Cahors in the same amount. The tool is used during a meal, one tablespoon of the tablespoon. |
Celery | Against an allergic cough, celery juice is consumed in the amount of thirty drops before meals. |
Bay leaf, honey, soda | Three bay leaves are boiled in 0.5 liters of water with the addition of one gram of baking soda. After cooling, add a couple of tablespoons of honey to a warm broth. With each fit of coughing, drink 60-80 grams. |
Ginger | Ginger root is thoroughly washed, finely chopped and brewed in a teapot like tea. You need to drink such a drink three times a day, 100 grams each. |
Treatment of food allergies folk remedies
Very often, especially in young children, there is an allergic reaction to certain foods. The main remedy in the fight against this type of allergy is bran. Before each meal, you need to eat two tablespoons of pure bran, or drink it with water. Such a tool will help in a short period of time to remove toxins from the body.
Celery juice has the same antitoxic properties, which should be taken orally regularly. If an allergy to food manifests itself not only in the form of abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, but also dermatitis or urticaria, it is required to resort to this method of treatment with a folk remedy:
- Violet;
- Walnut leaves;
- Burdock root.
The components are taken in equal quantities. The collection is required to take two spoons and pour into a thermal dish, pouring a glass of boiling water. After the drink has cooled down, it can be taken orally. Take it three times a day for about 80 grams.
An excellent folk remedy for food allergies is eggshell. The shell should be thoroughly washed, from boiled eggs (10 pieces). The agent is carefully ground to a powder state. You need to take small doses (on the tip of a knife) three times a day. The course of such treatment lasts two weeks. This will help to improve the functioning of the intestines and normalize its microflora, which will help strengthen local immunity.
A decoction of strawberry leaves helps with food allergies. It is required to pour a glass of boiling water 100 grams of the product. Be sure to boil over low heat for five minutes. Use a folk remedy should be 4 times a day, one tablespoon. A good anti-allergic agent is a decoction of celandine. A spoonful of raw materials is poured with two glasses of boiling water and infused until completely cooled. You need to drink 0.5 cups twice a day.
Pollinosis and folk methods of treatment
Treatment of allergy to plant pollen folk remedies involves the use of some herbal preparations:
Ingredients | Cooking method | Mode of application |
6 tablespoons of licorice root, 3 tablespoons of viburnum flowers, 2 tablespoons of elecampane root, 2 tablespoons of sage, mint, horsetail. | Pour a couple of tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water in the amount of one liter, and leave for at least 8 hours. | After straining, drink 80 grams several times a day. |
In the same amount (1 spoon) calamus marsh, comfrey root, St. John's wort. | 50 grams of the mixture is poured with purified water (300 grams). The broth should be boiled over low heat for seven minutes, strain. | Rinse the throat with a decoction, and wash the nose with hay fever. |
Tansy flowers, comfrey root, St. John's wort leaves, eyebright herb. | A spoonful of the mixture is poured into a glass of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. | Strain, use to gargle. |
Fresh vegetable and fruit juices will help to quickly remove toxins and allergens from the body. It is important to consult a doctor so as not to cause cross-reactions. Virtually no side effect of celery root juice. Every day you need to drink this drink three tablespoons three times a day for allergies to plant pollen.
An excellent folk remedy and such a mixture of juices:
- 4 carrots;
- 2 apples;
- A pair of cauliflower inflorescences;
- A bunch of parsley.
To relieve the manifestations of allergy to pollen on the skin, it is recommended to take baths with a decoction of oats. To do this, 400 grams of oatmeal is brewed in a thermal dish with a capacity of two liters. You need to insist about 3-4 hours. Then the whole infusion is added to the bath, after filtering it. It helps relieve skin inflammation. And adding a few drops of coniferous essential oil will help free the upper respiratory tract from sputum and soothe the inflamed nasal mucosa. Treatment of allergies with folk remedies has been tested for years, therefore it is very effective.
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