In the modern world, allergies can overtake everyone at every turn. Its forms of expression are varied. The most common allergy is in the eyes. The mucous membrane of the eyes, little protected and is a vulnerable place for allergies. And the skin around the eyes is considered the most delicate and sensitive area.
Eye allergy symptoms
Allergy in the eyes manifests itself after contact of the mucosa with the allergen. There are such manifestations of it:
- lacrimation;
- Itching;
- redness;
- Photophobia;
- swelling of the eyelids;
- Irritations;
- Peeling;
- Dryness;
- Conjunctivitis.
To begin the fight against the disease, it is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence. To do this, you should contact an allergist and pass all the tests (skin tests, scrapings, tear fluid analysis). It would be useful to contact an ophthalmologist.
After identifying the allergen product, exclude all contact with it.
The most likely cause of symptoms in women is poor-quality and non-natural decorative cosmetics. In the spring-summer season, pollen of plants, sun rays often act as allergens.
Allergies often occur after eating various foods. Also, our smaller brothers bring us a lot of health troubles - an allergy to wool.
A variety of chemical components that are part of powders and other cleaning products can harm.
Less common manifestations of allergies in the eyes after the use of medications. An important role is played by heredity. People who often suffer from respiratory diseases are also at risk.
Rhinitis and throat diseases in most cases are accompanied by allergic reactions in the eyes.
Redness and inflammation of the eyes is not uncommon in people who have undergone surgery.
Treatment with folk remedies
After eliminating contact with the allergen, use the following tips:
- Rinse your eyes daily with a decoction of chamomile.
- For eye inflammation, use potato or cucumber compresses. Grind these products to a state of porridge and wrap in cheesecloth. Use these lotions 2-3 times a day.
These are the most effective methods recommended even by doctors. The following tips are also good helpers in the fight against allergies.
- To get rid of allergies on the eyelids, rinse your eyes with a solution of potassium permanganate every morning.
- To relieve redness of the eyelids, use a decoction of dill seeds.
- To relieve inflammation of the eyelids, mix onions, after boiling it, with honey.
- Kalanchoe will help relieve swelling of the eyelids. Wash your eyes with the juice of this plant several times a day.
- To get rid of allergies, all toxins must be removed from the body. Traditional medicine recommends using decoctions of oatmeal. Take one glass of cereal and fill it with five glasses of boiling water. Infuse this porridge for 3-4 hours. Drain half of all the water, and boil the rest to a state of jelly. Drink this decoction every morning before breakfast.
- Birch sap is used to relieve itching and inflammation of the eyelids. Apply a small amount of natural birch sap to a cotton pad and place on your eyes. Hold for about 30-60 seconds.
- A solution of baking soda and water will relieve inflammation of the eyes.
- Such a well-known food product as bread will effectively relieve itching and redness of the eyelids. To do this, you need to attach a piece of bread to the eyelid, after cooling it in the refrigerator.
- Eye mask. Grate half a potato. Steam it in a decoction of parsley and celery. Then add a drop of vegetable oil. Wrap in gauze and put on eyelids before going to bed. You need to keep it for half an hour. This procedure will relieve inflammation and itching.
As a compress, you can use just brewed dried parsley. Helps relieve puffiness of the eyelids. Simple ice cubes can also be used as a compress. Dampen a towel with cold water and place ice in it. After applying, hold for 15 minutes.
Oil compresses eliminate irritation of the eyelids. You can use any oil: soy, olive, fir. Often with allergies on the eyelids, eczema is formed - changes in the skin under the influence of inflammatory processes. To combat eczema, use:
- A cut of a cabbage leaf.
- Apple vinegar.
Toxins will be removed from the body by a mixture of chicory root and dandelion. A spoonful of this mixture must be poured with a glass of water and consumed three times a day for half a glass. Quite effectively helps to fight any allergy, including allergies in the eyes, mumiyo. Mumiyo is an absolute natural and natural substance. Harmless. It has no side effects or contraindications. This type of therapy can be taken orally and in the form of lotions.
To make a lotion from mumiyo, you will need to dilute 5 g of mumiyo with 100 ml of aloe juice. Use these lotions before bed. The same mixture can also be drunk 1 tsp in the morning before breakfast.
To relieve rashes on the eyes, take nettle baths. Pour a spoonful of grass with one glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour and make eye lotions. Mustard has proven itself well in the fight against eczema on the eyes. It will take very little: just pour dry mustard powder with hot water. Do these lotions every night before going to bed. Promotes healing of wounds.
It is impossible to overestimate the usefulness of such a plant as Jerusalem artichoke. Take Jerusalem artichoke leaves and make a strong infusion out of them. With this infusion, you can not only wipe the affected areas of the eyes, but also make compresses.
In folk medicine, there is a wonderful recipe for an ointment that will relieve inflammation of the eyelids, itching and redness. This is an ointment based on celery. You just need to mix the crushed celery leaves with butter in a 1: 1 ratio.
Also, eggshells are popular. After each meal, take a spoonful of eggshells with a couple drops of lemon. This will help absorb all the toxins and remove them from the body. After taking such a drug, the patient's condition noticeably improves. The redness of the eyelids will disappear and the itching will disappear.
It is recommended to include duckweed in your daily diet. She relieves swelling. Try every day to treat the upper and lower eyelids with clover juice. It cools the skin and removes swelling.
It should be remembered that all decoctions and mixtures must be prepared new each time. Do not store them for a long time, as all the healing properties of the components are lost. Treat eyes only with sterile gauze and cotton pads. In order not to re-infect, use a new cotton swab each time. Traditional medicine has developed a set of measures that should be followed in order to avoid the manifestations of allergies.
- Get rid of toxins with activated charcoal.
- Take apple and cucumber juice 3 times a day.
- Drink fermented milk products to saturate your gastrointestinal tract with beneficial elements that boost immunity.
For preventive purposes, it is necessary to follow a hypoallergenic diet. After all, there are many food allergens that adversely affect our health. It will be necessary to exclude berries and fruits of red and orange colors from your diet. Carefully eat all kinds of nuts, peaches, pork, semolina, baked goods. Stop, for a while, taking any confectionery.
Women are advised not to use decorative cosmetics. And if such a need arises, then purchase it, consisting of natural ingredients. On such cosmetics there is a designation "Hypoallergenic".
Try to stay outside less during seasonal allergies. Walk only in calm weather or after rain. Clean your home regularly.
If the cause of reactions in the eyes is an allergy to the sun's rays, minimize exposure to the eyes. Wear glasses while walking. Sunbathe not in direct sunlight, in the shade.
If the patient has animals at home, it is better to give them to good hands. Probably 90% of women have such a weakness as growing houseplants. This is where they run the risk of getting conjunctivitis or eczema of the eyelids. The thing is that allergic reactions are manifested when the body comes into contact with fungal spores. These fungi thrive in the soil of houseplants. And if the earth in pots has not changed for two years, then there is every chance of getting such a nuisance.
You should monitor the work and functioning of your liver and intestines. Among household chemicals, preference should be given to their phosphate-free options. People living in apartments of high-rise buildings, especially old ones, are often faced with such a phenomenon as dampness and mold on the walls. These substances contribute to the appearance of allergies, which manifests itself in the form of rhinitis and diseases of the eyes and eyelids. There are services to eliminate these troubles. Take advantage of their services.
Use air purifiers and humidifiers in your home to prevent dust buildup. It will not be superfluous to use essential oils while taking baths. Pairs of fir and eucalyptus esters perfectly cleanse the respiratory tract and normalize the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. Coming from the street, you need to wash, rinse your throat and clear your nose, which will prevent allergens from penetrating deeper.