Urticaria while breastfeeding

Good day! I have had allergic urticaria since 2008. The doctors determined that it was for household chemicals. This year I gave birth to a child and the allergy intensified. There are blisters on the fingers, which periodically itch and then burst and cracks appear. It hurts a lot to bend your fingers. I'm on GW. What can be taken and how to treat hands?

Hello! Your problem is clear, therefore, perhaps, we will begin to consider it in more detail, we will tell you how to deal with the disease during breastfeeding. First of all, I want you not to panic, but to calmly approach the solution of this difficult situation.

Causes of hives

To begin with, we want to acquaint you with the main causes of urticaria that occurs after the birth of a child. This:

  • a decrease in the protective functions of the body, that is, a very weakened immune system;
  • hormonal disorders, because an increase in the level of progesterone contributes to the development of an allergic reaction;
  • concurrent chronic diseases, acute inflammatory processes.

Urticaria can also be provoked by the wrong diet, medicines, dust particles, stress, and many other factors. If you say that you have hives due to exposure to household chemicals, remember that maybe you really had to come into contact with such products.

To establish the exact cause of the disease, you need to be examined again, contact a good specialist. Do not be lazy, find another doctor with great experience, with positive feedback about him.


When breastfeeding, antihistamine therapy is prohibited. In this case, doctors prescribe other medications, which, although they have a slower effect, also eliminate the symptoms of the disease, while not harming the baby. A huge role in therapy is played by finding out the cause, eliminating its effect on the body of a nursing woman. Remember that you can’t do without a doctor: treatment should take place completely under his control. Therapy is usually prescribed:

  • ointments, creams that help prevent itching, relieve inflammation;
  • sorbents that cleanse the body.

Of the sorbents, doctors recommend Polisorb, activated carbon, Enterosgel. Note that they are forbidden to be taken for a long time, they are usually taken for about 10-14 days, because it is known that sorbents remove both minerals and vitamins that the body needs so much.

Then probiotics are prescribed in order to restore the microflora, to improve the functioning of the body as a whole. Doctors select creams and ointments individually for each patient, especially during breastfeeding.

Folk remedies

To relieve itching, reduce inflammation, swelling that is present on the skin with hives, women during breastfeeding are advised to use lotions from such herbs as:

  • succession;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage.

Dill juice also helps. It is necessary to take a napkin, soak it in juice, attach it to the inflamed area. With hives, the doctor may also advise nettle tincture. Usually it is prescribed to be taken before meals 3 times a day.

We advise you to find a good doctor as soon as possible, so that the doctor selects an individual therapy, cures you of hives as soon as possible. With this, you can protect yourself from various complications that negatively affect your health.

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