Good day! I have had allergic urticaria since 2008. The doctors determined that it was for household chemicals. This year I gave birth to a child and the allergy intensified. There are blisters on the fingers, which periodically ...
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Tablets do not help, what should I do?
22 0 3871I have had severe allergies for 3 months now. I took a lot of medicine, pills, but nothing helps. Swollen lips, eyes, and all parts of the body. And it itches a lot. When I take the pills that day it helps, but the next...
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Rash after Heparin cream
20 0 1899Hello! After a five-day application of the Heparin Sodica cream to relieve swelling on the injured leg, a red itchy rash appeared in the places where the cream was applied. To relieve itching without scratching, at night ...
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Goat milk for atopic dermatitis
21 0 2577Actually, about the diet and the question arose. I was recommended to drink goat's milk, because it is very healthy and less allergenic than cow's. Can you tell me if this is true and how to use it correctly? And what can you...
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Allergic rash: treatment at sea
23 0 2420Good afternoon. My child has skin allergies. She received a recommendation that staying at sea would have a beneficial effect on her health. Tell me should I listen? Oksana, 33...
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Foods that often cause allergies
21 0 1579Hello. My child has a food allergy. Please tell me, is it possible to minimize the allergic effect of certain products? Arkady, 30 Hello, Arkady. At an early age, the baby's body is still ...
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Allergenic products for children
21 0 1482Hello dear doctor! My baby is diagnosed with a food allergy. I heard that there are foods that should not be consumed with this disease. But the information is very contradictory. Tell me, if possible, about...
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Antihistamines for children: their impact
21 0 1357Good afternoon. My daughter is only 5 years old, and she has already, by chance, managed to try a whole bunch of antihistamines. We rarely get lucky without these medicines. She has dermatitis and as soon as we...
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Allergy in a child: what can you eat?
21 0 2154Good afternoon. I have a beautiful baby, with whom we, unfortunately, have to ask you to help. In any case, I choose the foods for my son's food as carefully as possible. But even stronger I began to do it ...
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