Allergy medications

Allergy is a common disease that is characterized by a persistent disorder in the immune system, leading to a pathologically acute reaction of the body to habitual irritants. These irritants can include various factors: plant pollen, animal hair, washing powder and others. In a modern person, allergies occur more and more often, which makes allergy medications the most popular.

Drugs for the treatment of allergies, in the modern market of pharmacological agents, there is a great variety. At the stage of scientific development is a large number of new formulas, as well as other methods of treating allergies. There are also a number of folk remedies, the effectiveness of which is in doubt. In this article, we will consider only effective drugs for allergies, as well as the features of their use. Modern allergy drugs are used symptomatically, that is, eliminating the manifestations of allergies, without affecting the very cause of its occurrence. So far, alas, there are no means that would allow normalizing the functioning of the immune system.

Allergy medications come in various forms: tablets, ointments, sprays, eye drops, nasal drops, injectables. Each of these forms has its own advantages and disadvantages. In general, according to the form of application, each drug can be divided into drugs for local and systemic use.

Topical preparations include: nose and eye drops, nasal sprays, ointments, creams and ointments. The advantage for local forms is a high degree of security. Local preparations are safer, because through the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and skin, the active substances enter the general blood supply system much worse. This prevents the effect of the active substance on the entire body, which reduces the risk and frequency of side effects.

Systemic preparations are available on the market in the form of tablets, injections, as well as syrups (which is often found in the treatment of allergies). Systemic drugs have a broad effect on allergy symptoms, the use of this class of drugs allows you to eliminate allergy symptoms throughout the body. Their use is associated with an increased risk of side effects, since they have a general effect on numerous systems and functions of the body.

In general, both classes of drugs are used to treat allergies. Their combination allows you to achieve the maximum degree of safety and effectiveness in relieving allergy symptoms, which can not only cause discomfort, but also pose a significant threat to the life and health of the patient.

Allergy symptoms and drugs for their treatment

In the treatment of allergic diseases, the nature of the symptoms is of great importance, which directly determines the selection of local and special agents for the treatment of a specific symptomatic group.

Allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis is a generalized name for a variety of skin manifestations of allergies. The appearance of symptoms of allergic dermatitis in a patient is determined both by the nature of the allergen and by the characteristics of the immune response. Allergic dermatitis does not belong to the immediate symptoms of allergy; for its development, a certain period of time must pass, which is determined by the reactivity of the patient's immunity. The cause of dermatitis is easy to determine when it develops within a few hours after contact. It is much more difficult when the patient's immunity is prone to slow development of allergy symptoms and dermatitis appears a few days after the allergen has entered.

Immune cells take an active part in the development of the reaction of allergic dermatitis, in the area of ​​localization of the allergic reaction there is a large accumulation of immune cells: leukocytes, basophils, lymphocytes. The migration of immunity cells from the general bloodstream does not occur instantly, this explains the need for a certain period of time for the occurrence of allergic reactions of a dermatological nature.

Allergic dermatitis is manifested by the formation, in certain areas of the skin, of ulcers, redness, inflammation, the formation of plaques and blisters filled with liquid contents, which eventually become covered with a crust. The patient feels itching, burning, irritation, drying of the skin at the location of the symptoms of dermatitis. In no case should you comb, as this provokes the formation of wounds and a further increase in symptoms.

Allergic dermatitis can occur both as a result of direct skin contact with an allergen (with an allergy to washing powder, wool, cosmetics), and when an allergen enters the body. So, allergic dermatitis is one of the main symptoms of food allergies.

Preparations for the treatment of allergic dermatitis

Therapy of symptoms of allergic dermatitis with drugs is carried out on the basis of the patient's individual data, on the basis of symptoms, as well as the results of special diagnostic measures. For the treatment of skin manifestations of allergies, antihistamines are used, the choice of which is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient's body, as well as the nature of the allergic disease. Of great importance is the use of corticosteroid ointments, creams and gels, which are applied in places of localization of allergic reactions. For acute symptoms of dermatitis, injectable corticosteroids are used.

Allergic urticaria

Urticaria is the appearance of an edematous rash on the skin that looks like flat foci of an inflammatory reaction, red or pink in color, similar to slightly raised blisters. The manifestations of urticaria tend to merge, which, with their large volume, leads to an increase in body temperature. Allergic urticaria occurs as a result of the influence of histamine, released in response to an allergen, to the expansion of the vessels of the upper layer of the skin.

Urticaria differs from allergic dermatitis not only in the nature of skin manifestations, but also in the rate of occurrence. Unlike the symptoms of dermatitis, urticaria occurs immediately, since it does not require the migration of immune cells to appear. It occurs as a result of exposure to histamine, released under the influence of antibodies. Histamine, being a hormone, has a lower molecular weight than cells and therefore penetrates into the tissue of the skin much more easily.

Drugs for the treatment of allergic urticaria

In the treatment of allergic urticaria, the use of sedatives plays an important role, since nervous tension has a directly proportional effect on the increase in symptoms. A paste based on an aqueous solution of zinc also helps to reduce the permeability of superficial vessels. In the acute form, the use of injectable corticosteroids is prescribed. Antihitsamines are used in any case, since they suppress the histamine-dependent mechanism of urticaria. For external use, corticosteroid ointments, creams and gels are used to reduce the external symptoms of allergies.

allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammatory process that forms within the nasal cavity, under the influence of an allergic reaction. Unlike infectious rhinitis, allergic rhinitis is not accompanied by the activity of pathogens, but by the action of an antibody.

Allergic rhinitis is characterized by inflammation of the sinuses, profuse runny nose with discolored contents, itching and irritation of the nasal surface, as well as dilation of the nasal capillaries, which causes redness of the nose. Allergic rhinitis occurs almost immediately after exposure to respiratory allergens. Such allergens are plant pollen, mold spores, dust mites, pet hair, volatile components of cosmetics and perfumes.

The manifestation of allergic rhinitis, first occurs in children, in the future the disease progresses. At risk are people whose relatives have a history of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis can present with varying degrees of severity. Mild allergic rhinitis is referred to when it causes minor discomfort. In the case when allergic rhinitis causes a change in the usual rhythm of life, they speak of severe manifestations of this disease. Any form of allergic rhinitis requires special treatment with an individual selection of drugs.

Drugs for allergic rhinitis

First of all, antihistamines are prescribed for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. If possible, try to use local forms - drops and sprays. Local therapy is preferred, provided that allergic rhinitis is the only symptom of the disease. In the presence of other symptoms (mainly allergic rhinitis occurs together with allergic conjunctivitis), antihistamines are prescribed for systemic use. The best option for the treatment of allergic rhinitis is recognized as second-generation antihistamines, which have the greatest activity in neutralizing these symptoms (erius, claritin, cetrizine). Their use is not associated with the occurrence of sedative effects on the nervous system.

Allergic rhinitis occurs with the expansion of the vessels of the nasal sinuses, as a result of which, in some cases, it becomes necessary to use vasoconstrictor drops (naphthyzinum). These drugs are distinguished by a high incidence of drug dependence. For this reason, their use cannot be continued for more than 5 days in a row.

In the case of severe allergic rhinitis, the use of injectable corticosteroids is prescribed. Usually, they are prescribed for 3-5 days and are used to relieve the most acute forms of allergic manifestations, with the further use of alternative drugs and treatment methods.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Like allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process of an allergic nature. In this case, localization occurs in the region of the eyeball, as well as adjacent skin. The mucous membrane of the eye contains a large number of cells representing the system of local immunity. In most cases, the reaction of allergic conjunctivitis occurs instantly, after the provocative substance enters the surface of the mucous membranes of the eye. Such substances are often respiratory-type allergens: dust mites, mold spores, plant pollen, volatile components of household chemicals, various gases, and tobacco smoke.

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are easy to recognize, they are represented by: inflammation of the eyes and adjacent skin, tearing, swelling, redness of the eyes and irritation of the skin around them, itching of the skin surrounding the eyes, fear of bright light. The patient experiences significant discomfort upon contact with the allergen, if he has a predisposition to allergic conjunctivitis.

Drugs for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is accompanied by the extensive use of local drugs: antihistamines and corticosteroids. Corticosteroid drops are prescribed for a short period of time because they have a significant incidence of side effects. Antihistamines (tablets and drops) are most effective when the start of their use takes place a few days before the alleged contact with the allergen.

The use of drugs in the form of drops:

  • Be sure to maintain a sterile pipette and solution;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before instillation;
  • In the case of using several types of drugs in the form of drops, be sure to follow the correct sequence of application;
  • Do not use vasoconstrictor drops for more than 5 days in a row;
  • If you need to apply drops outdoors, then do it in a place that is free from wind and dust;

Allergic bronchial asthma

This disease is a severe symptomatology of an allergic reaction. It is a narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, which develops as a result of exposure to the allergen on the patient's body. As a result of the fact that the lumen of the bronchi becomes already there are attacks of suffocation, which are accompanied by a loud cough, as well as wheezing.

Bronchial asthma develops under the influence of special proteins - immunoglobulins, which are sensitive to the ingress of an allergen. Basically, upon contact with the allergen, symptoms of bronchial asthma develop in a few minutes. The appearance of bronchial asthma of this type is associated with respiratory allergens: house dust, animal hair and bird feathers, daphnia (used for fish feed), plant pollen, mold spores, cosmetics and perfumes.

Drugs for the treatment of allergic bronchial asthma

In the treatment of bronchial asthma, the use of special inhalers containing stimulants of adrenaline beta receptors is of great importance. Stimulation of adrenaline beta receptors causes expansion of the lumen of the bronchial tree, which alleviates the symptoms of asthmatic disease. The use of beta-agonists can cause anxiety, attacks of paranoia, tachycardia, migraine attacks, and heart rhythm disturbances. Corticosteroid therapy in the form of injections, as well as antihistamines, is also used to relieve the symptoms of bronchial asthma.

Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is a severe form of an allergic reaction that is associated with an immediate threat to the life of the patient. A quarter of cases of anaphylactic shock end in death. Symptoms of anaphylactic shock develop from a few minutes to 2-5 hours after the penetration of the allergen.

With anaphylactic shock, severe swelling of the larynx develops, contraction of the laryngeal muscles, as well as narrowing of the bronchi. This leads to the fact that the patient significantly complicates the implementation of the respiratory act. This is accompanied by pallor and blueness of the skin, as a result of a lack of oxygen, a decrease in blood pressure, as well as the possible development of cardiac collapse.

Basically, anaphylactic shock occurs when you are allergic to food, insect bites (especially: wasps, bees, bumblebees), drugs. The symptoms of anaphylactic shock are dose-dependent: the greater the dosage and the time of contact with the allergen, the more intense and dangerous the symptoms are.

Drugs for the treatment of anaphylactic shock

For the treatment of anaphylactic shock, subcutaneous or intravenous injections of a solution of adrenaline are used, which relieves spasm of the bronchi and larynx. Injectable antihistamines and corticosteroids are also used. These drugs are used at dosages that can be 4 to 5 times the usual therapeutic values ​​found in the treatment of common allergy symptoms.

Mast cell membrane stabilizers

These drugs include active substances that block calcium metabolism in mast cells. Mast cells are special cells in the body that contain the hormone histamine, which triggers allergy symptoms. The entry of histamine into the blood is associated with the opening of the cell membrane of these cells, which occurs when calcium enters them. By blocking calcium, these drugs leave the cell membrane stable, as a result of which histamine does not enter the bloodstream and does not affect the sensitive tissues of the eyes, skin, nose, bronchi, etc.

These drugs include: ketotifen, alomid, zaditen, cromoglin, etc. They are available in various forms: tablets, syrups, drops and sprays for the eyes and nose. They are used as part of the complex therapy of allergic disorders, to reduce the effects of allergic manifestations.

Remember that the diagnosis and prescription of drugs for allergies, as well as other methods of treating allergic diseases, should be supervised by an allergist. Self-medication is unacceptable and poses a direct threat to your health.

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