With the advent of summer, it is time for rest and vacations. People massively tend to go to the sea, to the country house, to forest houses or just to relax in nature. Everyone is in a hurry to boast of a golden tan. But not everyone...
- Read more -Allergy on the skin from the sun
22 0 3947With the advent of summer, the summer season comes, it's time for vacations and just outdoor activities. Everyone strives to get a golden or bronze tan to show off to each other. The sun is the only source...
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Allergy to flowering during pregnancy
21 0 7239Allergy is a disease of all mankind. With each season there are more and more patients with hay fever, which brings a lot of inconvenience and deprivation. The disease does not choose whether you are a man or a woman, ...
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The best remedy for allergies to flowering
23 0 10788With the beginning of spring in people with allergies, signs of hay fever become aggravated. As you know, during this period, many plants begin their flowering and it continues until autumn. So this time is enough...
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Allergen testing for babies
21 0 7336Allergy in infants is a specific immune response, as a result of which, instead of inactivating foreign proteins, the body suffers from an incorrect reaction to harmless protein components. The child may be...
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Allergy drops for pregnant women
22 0 13182With the onset of pregnancy, women are exposed to the harmful effects of external and internal factors. And believe me, toxicosis is the most harmless thing that can happen. Due to the influence of plant pollen, household dust,...
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sun allergy cure
38 0 17625For many, a good tan is the main joy they want from the summer season. In addition, the sun's rays are of great benefit to the body, participating in the production of vitamin D. But also, the sun ...
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Allergies in early pregnancy
19 0 7121The most long-awaited moment in a woman's life is the time of pregnancy. During this period, all the protective reactions of the body are directed to the fetus and the immunity of the expectant mother weakens. With the onset of pregnancy, the image changes ...
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Flower allergy: cough
23 0 11679With the beginning of spring, the time comes for the flowering of plants. A variety of flowers and trees delight us with a riot of colors. This period, this euphoria lasts quite a long time, until autumn. But with the advent of heat, many simply ...
- Read more -sun allergy remedy
20 0 500With the onset of summer comes the time for vacations. Some of us tend to get to the south, closer to the sea. Others prefer to rest outside the city, in the country. But everyone has the same goal: in addition to rest, to get a golden-bronze tan. All...
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