Allergy drops for pregnant women

With the onset of pregnancy, women are exposed to the harmful effects of external and internal factors. And believe me, toxicosis is the most harmless thing that can happen. Due to the influence of plant pollen, household dust, pets, direct sunlight, it is very easy to get a disease such as allergies.

Its manifestations are varied, as well as the effect on the course of the entire pregnancy.

Allergy Signs

The symptoms of all types of allergies are almost the same.

hay fever Lachrymation, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, sore throat, itching in the nasal cavity, sneezing attacks, earache, hoarseness. Skin rashes are possible.
Allergy to insect stings Puffiness, redness of the skin, itching, urticaria, weakness, fever, runny nose, sore throat.
food allergy Allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, ear congestion, headache, coughing spells, urticaria, angioedema, stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting.
Allergy to sun rays Redness, rash, itching, urticaria, fever, rhinitis.
Allergy to cat hair Severe itching of the skin, urticaria, conjunctivitis, swelling of the eyelids, allergic rhinitis, sneezing, shortness of breath, coughing fits.

Among the complications of allergies, anaphylactic shock, rapid pulse, vascular insufficiency, and convulsive seizures should be noted.


The reason for the occurrence of allergies is a rather weakened immunity of the body of a pregnant woman, which does not adequately respond to irritants. The body is trying to rebuild to a new order and harmony, plus a change in the hormonal background affects its condition. An important role is played by the heredity of the future mother.

Allergies are often caused by food. Fruits and berries such as strawberries, raspberries, black currants, bananas, citrus fruits, kiwis cause a reaction. Potatoes are among the vegetables. Starch, which is part of it, causes allergic manifestations. It is advisable to exclude all seafood from the diet. With the onset of pregnancy, you should eat everything very carefully, watching the body. The diet should be balanced and nutritious.

The cause of hay fever is, of course, the pollen of flowering plants. Limit your time outside during the day. Pollen spreads in the air and settles on absolutely everything: hair, skin, clothes, shoes. Of course, walking in the fresh air during pregnancy is very useful, but try to walk in the evening or after rain.

Often this disease is caused by our smaller brothers. In the body of cats, an allergen protein is produced, which is excreted in saliva and urine. Licking itself, the cat applies protein to the coat. This is where the name cat hair allergy comes from. Therefore, pregnant women should minimize contact with animals. And it is better to give it to someone for this period.

In any home there are various chemicals: washing and cleaning powders, as well as cosmetic preparations. Inhaling their components, the nasal mucosa is irritated and an allergy manifests itself. Therefore, pregnant women are strictly forbidden to work with powders and detergents. Experimenting with decorative and medical cosmetics is also not worth it.

Harmful effect on the fetus

As a rule, allergies do not directly affect the development of the fetus. The fetus is protected by a placenta that does not allow allergens through. And the future mother herself influences. Everything happens because this disease brings a lot of inconvenience, discomfort. A woman is constantly nervous, is in a state of stress. Coughing spells and runny nose keep me from sleeping well at night. All this affects her general condition and the child as well. Medications are often contraindicated or have side effects during pregnancy, which cannot but affect the fetus.

Allergy Drops

It would seem that the procedure for choosing drops is quite simple - you go to the pharmacy and buy. But not everything is so simple in cases of pregnancy. A woman should be especially careful when choosing drugs for allergies. There is a fairly small list of drops allowed during pregnancy. It is important to carefully study the instructions and follow it and all the instructions of the doctor. It is very important to see a doctor. After all, allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis and colds are two different things. It's not worth the risk. After all, with improper treatment of allergies, the disease can be transmitted to the unborn child.

It is important that the use of plant-based drops is contraindicated in allergic rhinitis, as it can worsen the situation.

There are the following nasal drops:

  • homeopathic;
  • Based on sea salt;
  • Hormonal;
  • Antihistamines.

Homeopathic . The drugs in this group are vasoconstrictors.

Delufen It has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Facilitates breathing. approved for use during pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor.
Euphorbium Composite Treats rhinitis of various origins. Removes swelling of the nasal mucosa and moisturizes it. Indicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.
Edas-131 Treats acute and chronic allergic rhinitis. Gently and effectively affects the mucous membrane. There are no contraindications to this drug during pregnancy.

Sea salt drops . The safest for pregnant women. They clean the nasal cavity well and have no effect on the body. These drugs are allowed to be used for a long time if there is difficulty in breathing. During pregnancy, oxygen starvation can cause various developmental pathologies in the child. These drugs include:

  • Salin;
  • Aquamaris;
  • Merimer.

You can make your own nasal rinse solution by mixing one teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water.

Hormonal . In the use of this type of drops, you should strictly adhere to the indicated dosage. Hormonal drops are often addictive. You cannot assign them yourself. They are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Antihistamines. The drugs in this group include:

Allergodil Reduces mucus secretion, relieves itching. Facilitates breathing. The effect of the application persists for a long time. Allowed during pregnancy.
Levocabastin It looks like a spray. It is prescribed for the treatment of rhinitis. Eliminates nasal congestion. There are no contraindications for pregnant women.
Kromhexal Quite effective in the early stages of treatment. Creates a barrier to the penetration of allergens, enveloping the nasal mucosa. Also used for prevention. Allowed at the time of childbearing.
Zyrtec It alleviates the symptoms of rhinitis, keeping the effect for a long time.
Fenistil Drops eliminate runny nose, facilitate breathing. Approved for use by pregnant women only on prescription.

To strengthen the immune system, immunomodulatory drops are prescribed. Using drugs of this type, you can prevent the recurrence of allergic rhinitis. These include IRS-19 and Deritan. But they can only be used under the supervision of a doctor.

It is important to remember that such drops as Vibrocil, Fazin and Sanorin-analergin are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy at any time.

How to use eye drops during pregnancy

  • In the first trimester, do not use drops containing beta-blockers, they affect the development of the fetus;
  • From the second trimester, beta-blockers can be used, but only under medical supervision;
  • In the third trimester, drops should not be abused, because they can affect the nervous system of the fetus;
  • Eye pressure should be checked throughout pregnancy.

Getting rid of allergic rhinitis during pregnancy folk remedies

If you think that traditional medicine is the safest medicine, then you are mistaken. Often, women do not know the cause of their allergic reaction and can use herbs that are categorically contraindicated in their case.

If you know your cause of allergic rhinitis, you can use the following alternative medicine tips. Sufficiently high-quality, and most importantly natural, there are drops from carrot or apple juice. It is necessary to drip the nose 3-4 times a day. The current of Kalanchoe or Aloe leaves effectively fights allergic rhinitis. Since childhood, everyone knows the method of getting rid of rhinitis - to breathe over a pot of potatoes. It soothes the nasal mucosa and facilitates the breathing process.

You can also use essential oils. Essential oil of pine needles, eucalyptus and mint perfectly cleanses the nose, envelops the nasal cavity. Such procedures can be carried out while taking a bath, or drip a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale during the day.

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