Allergy on the face

In the 21st century, allergic reactions are increasingly overtaking people. Moreover, allergies can disturb both small children and adult female and male representatives. In some, the disease manifests itself in plant pollen, in others on certain drugs, various foods, animal hair, etc. Today we will talk about what an allergy is on the face, what symptoms are characteristic of it, whether treatment is possible, what are its features. We will also learn about the main risk factors, other features of allergies on the face.


  • For this kind of ailment, the characteristic features are:
  • hyperemia, tearing of the eyes;
  • redness of the skin (red spots appear, which quickly spread over the entire area of ​​​​the face);
  • itching, peeling, dry skin;
  • many pimples, wounds, blisters;
  • inflammatory process in the mucous membranes of the facial tissues (otherwise - Quincke's edema).

It is important to know that an allergy that occurs on a person's face will not necessarily be accompanied by all of the listed symptoms. For example, in adults there may be no inflammation on the skin at all, while in children, on the contrary, a skin rash of the type of urticaria is often diagnosed. At the first symptoms of an illness on the face, it is necessary to seek the help of a doctor as soon as possible in order to avoid complications, undergo diagnostics in time, and begin appropriate treatment.

Allergy on the face: development mechanism, causes

First of all, it should be noted that an allergic reaction occurs in a person due to the imperfection of his immunity. Therefore, substances that cause allergies (that is, allergens) have the ability to attack cells and change their structure. Such an ailment in terms of the speed of manifestation of symptoms is of two types:

  • delayed (when it makes itself felt a few days after contact with the allergen);
  • instant (occurs about a few hours after contact with a substance that provokes an allergic reaction).

Infection usually follows the same pattern. Let's consider its features. The body of each person contains cells that collect information about all others, as well as their own body cells. Due to the penetration of the irritant in the form of a foreign cell, the protective properties of immunity are activated, since it is necessary to remove it from the body. At this stage, a variety of factors interfere with the removal of a foreign body, for example, a weakening of the immune system, the negative impact of the external environment, a large number of foreign cells, etc. Immunity becomes simply unable to conduct an active, effective fight. As a result, allergens remain in the human body, making themselves felt with the help of negative symptoms, some of which are rashes, acne, flushing on the skin of the face, and many other parts of the body.

Common Risk Factors

Allergies on the face in the form of rashes, spots can appear due to the influence of many factors. Here are the most important ones:

  • Excessive observance of hygiene rules (frequent washing of the face, especially with the use of all kinds of gels consisting of flavors, dyes, and other harmful substances). It is important to know that the abuse of facial skin care leads to a weakening of its protective properties. As a result, acne, spots, etc. begin to appear.
  • Changing climatic conditions, for example, when traveling on vacation, when moving to another place to live. In this case, the body falls into unusual conditions. Again, the immune system becomes weak, provokes the appearance of allergies on the face.
  • Wrong, unbalanced diet. Aromatic additives, dyes, preservatives contained in many foods lead to the appearance of signs of an allergic reaction on the skin of the face and body.
  • Contacts with cats, hamsters, dogs, many other pets. Here, their fur acts as an allergen.
  • hereditary predisposition. If the mother or father suffers from any type of allergy, the transmission of the disease through the hereditary line is very likely.
  • Allergens can also serve as house dust, plant pollen, insect bites.

Allergy on the skin of the face is provoked by a variety of factors, and in the modern world there are quite a lot of them. In any case, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate therapy, determine the specific type of allergy, and be sure to prescribe the exclusion of contact with the allergen. Treatment is usually long, so you need to be patient, make every effort. In addition, the doctor should tell the patient about all kinds of preventive measures that will help him prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant ailment.

Treatment of allergies on the face

To cure a disease on the face, you should undergo a full course aimed at reducing sensitivity to a particular substance that causes allergies. This therapy is called hyposensitization. What is the essence of such procedures? For a long time, a small amount of the allergen is introduced into the body of a sick person, which will allow developing immunity to it. Thus, little by little, the allergic reaction will not be so bright, and then it will completely disappear. If it is not possible to complete a whole course of therapy or the allergy does not manifest itself very clearly, you can resort to other methods. For example, give preference to topical drugs. To date, popular are:

  • Antihistamines for internal use. For children, they are sold in the form of syrups, powders, for adults in capsules, tablets.
  • Injections for intravenous administration. This method of therapy allows you to eliminate spots, rashes on the face, get rid of edema.
  • Antiallergic creams, ointments. Often, doctors prescribe their use in parallel with oral medications, as they help to enhance, accelerate their effect.

Consider the most popular means to combat allergies on the face.

  • Tavegil acts quickly, has an anti-allergic effect. Tavegil can be taken after three years. During pregnancy, Tavegil is contraindicated, so the task of the doctor is to find other effective drugs.
  • Allertec is prescribed with caution to women during lactation and pregnancy. Allertec fights against various types of allergies, including on the face.
  • Fenistil can be used by babies from the age of 1 month, as well as by adults in the absence of contraindications.
  • Suprastin is also an excellent tool that eliminates the symptoms of allergies, that is, itching, redness, rashes.

It is important to remember that only a doctor prescribes the treatment of allergies on the face, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, the course of the disease, and the results of the diagnosis.

Alternative treatment

Allergy on the face is treated not only with the help of pharmacological medicines. Many folk remedies that you can prepare yourself have a positive effect on the skin. Therefore, we consider several effective recipes that will get rid of unpleasant symptoms on the face. To get rid of the spots characteristic of an allergic reaction, you can use a decoction based on sage, chamomile. (Ingredients can be used individually or in combination). So, the preparation is quite simple:

  • You need to take a tablespoon of collecting chamomile with sage.
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over.
  • Insist for ten minutes.
  • Strain the decoction.

After that, you can apply a decoction. It is great for lotions to inflamed areas of the skin of the face. It is required to take a cotton swab, moisten it in a decoction, then proceed to wipe the eyes and other affected areas. Consider the following effective recipe. Boric acid solution will help eliminate itching, get rid of rashes, red spots on the face. For 200 ml of purified water, there is 1 tsp. this tool. Combine the ingredients, mix well. Then they take a gauze compress and apply it to the areas in which the inflammatory process is taking place. It is important to remember that the skin must be pre-cleaned of cosmetics, if it was previously applied.

It should be remembered that folk remedies only help to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms characteristic of allergies. But they cannot eliminate the causes of the disease. Therefore, in order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to consult a doctor, undergo a diagnosis, and begin the prescribed drug treatment. In addition, the prevention of allergies on the face plays an important role. Prevention measures include:

  1. Refusal of feather or down pillows. It is necessary to give preference to synthetic materials, because they are much less likely to provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. Use of a moderate amount of cosmetics.
  3. Timely treatment of any dermatitis, since even a non-allergic disease can develop into an allergy if no treatment measures are taken.
  4. Use of an individual face towel. It is desirable that it be cotton. Do not wipe your face heavily after washing. You can just lightly, gently blot it.

You should try not to comb the rash, acne on the face, no matter how much they itch. Otherwise, the face will simply become like a bright, large wound. It's ugly, no one needs it, agree. Contact the doctor in time, do not wait for deterioration, the development of complications. Allergies are difficult to treat and take a long time. The sooner you start doing this, the sooner you will get rid of the disease. Take care of your skin and face!

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