Allergy to cosmetics

There are many types of allergic reactions. One of the most common, especially in recent years, has become an allergy to cosmetics. This disease is a negative reaction of the body to the use of certain cosmetics. The main manifestations of allergies are itching, swelling of the skin, the appearance of a rash.

Who is at risk?

Everyone who uses such products can become a victim of the negative effects of cosmetics. Most often at risk are those whose skin is dry, thin and sensitive. Allergy symptoms can appear anywhere on the body. But in most cases, they affect the entire face of a person, especially areas of the lips and eyes.

Main allergens

Among the most popular allergen substances, dyes, all kinds of fragrances, preservatives that are part of cosmetics, and similar components are distinguished.
The development of the disease can be affected by its improper use, the use of expired products, an excessive amount of cosmetics on the body, etc. Allergy to cosmetics in most cases is an individual reaction of the body. Therefore, the disease can manifest itself due to the use of cosmetics that do not contain harmful substances for the skin of the face and body. Most often, the occurrence of allergies contributes to decorative cosmetics.

Almost every girl, woman paints her eyelashes with mascara. Carcass particles cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the eye when they fall on it. Therefore, to provoke an allergy in the presence of a predisposition to it is quite simple. The carcass contains components such as black iron oxide, animal fat, beeswax, vegetable resins, etc. All of them can act as allergens. The first substance is also included in the composition of pencils, eye shadows. Also, women can cause a negative skin reaction through the use of various serums, masks, face creams, shower gels of bright color, as well as lipstick, lip gloss containing quite caustic dyes.

Other Causes of Cosmetic Allergies

Among the reasons that can provoke the development of the disease, there are:

  • the negative impact of dirty air;
  • sharp temperature changes;
  • transferring serious illnesses;
  • lack of vitamins, microelements;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • slow metabolism;
  • malnutrition (consumption of excessive amounts of spicy, fatty foods, sweets, alcohol);
  • the use of exfoliating agents;
  • frequent exfoliation of the skin.


The first signs of the disease may be:

  • hyperemia, swelling of the skin;
  • the occurrence of acne;
  • burning, itching of the area on which the cosmetic was applied.
  • peeling of the eyelids;
  • bags under the eyes against the background of puffiness of the eyelids;
  • nasal congestion;
  • secretion of mucus around the edges of the eyes;
  • the appearance of barley;
  • swelling, dry lips.

There are two main types of allergy to cosmetics. The first is simple contact dermatitis, the second type is allergic contact dermatitis. The first form of the disease is much more common than the second, it appears within a few seconds or minutes after skin contact with an allergen in the form of cosmetics. On the skin, you can notice such signs of allergy as redness, watery rashes, swelling. In this situation, the upper layer of the skin is damaged by chemicals that are present in the cosmetic product, which provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Contact dermatitis quite often appears on those areas where there are drier, thin, cracked, sensitive skin.

With regards to allergic contact dermatitis, it is characterized by similar signs, but in this situation, the reaction of the skin to the allergen may not disturb the person immediately after direct contact with it. Often, you can notice the manifestations of allergies after several times the use of a particular cosmetic. The bottom line is that in this situation, the reaction to the allergen has a person's immunity, and not his skin. During the course of allergic dermatitis, signs of allergy can occur even in places that have not been in contact with the allergen substance. There is another type of allergy. Its name is hypersensitivity. Due to contact with cosmetics, consisting of allergens, there is a feeling of tingling and tightening. In this case, obvious visual manifestations may be completely absent.


An allergy to cosmetics is a reason to contact an allergist as soon as possible, undergo an examination, and start the prescribed treatment. Before you go to a specialist, you can take some measures to slightly alleviate your general well-being, eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. To do this, it is recommended to completely remove makeup from all areas of the skin to which it was applied. It is recommended to wash off with ordinary running, warm water. It is necessary not to forget about the eyes, be sure to rinse them with chamomile tincture or tea leaves. In order not to provoke signs of allergy again, it is necessary for a certain period to abandon the use of cosmetics.

Before a visit to the doctor, it is allowed to take any antihistamine medicine. The most effective, popular tablets at the present time are Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil. If it is not possible to drink such a pill, you can resort to folk remedies, for example, prepare a nettle decoction. For a day you need to drink 0.5 liters of broth. It has long been known that nettle is an excellent remedy to prevent the development of an allergic reaction.

To diagnose an ailment, you will need to carefully monitor the reaction of the skin, the signs that occur after the use of a particular cosmetic. This method of determining the allergen is very difficult when several different cosmetic products are used in parallel. If the doctor suspects that the patient has allergic dermatitis, he may prescribe allergy tests to identify specific substances that provoke the disease.

Before going to the doctor, it is better not to use ointments containing cortisone. Such ointments do not help in the treatment, they only eliminate unpleasant symptoms for a while. If used regularly, they can be addictive. As a result, a person runs the risk of provoking the development of "corticosteroid dermatitis", which is characterized by a significant thinning of the skin.

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