In conditions of weakened immunity, people often suffer from various diseases. One of the abnormal manifestations is urticaria. Recognizing it is quite simple, but finding out the cause of the appearance and starting treatment will not be easy. It is a symptom of many diseases: both allergies and diseases not related to it. In advanced cases, the disease can lead to serious consequences.
The first manifestations of urticaria
Urticaria is characterized by a rash on the body in the form of small pimples. At the initial stage, they are quite small in size, have a pink color. It is located in places of contact with the allergen or on the face if another factor is the cause. She is not particularly worried, so many ignore this symptomatology. Then the urticaria begins to progress and spread throughout the body. Small pimples turn into blisters that reach 10-13 cm in size.
Often patients begin to complain of burning and itching of the skin. This aggravates the situation, since when scratching, wounds, ulcers form, and scarring begins. It is often possible to observe such a picture as the merging of several blisters together. Already from this follows a serious complication - Quincke's edema. It is characterized by spontaneity and transience. In a matter of minutes, edema increases in size the limbs, parts of the face, internal organs of a person. The most dangerous swelling of the larynx, throat, palate, tongue. It prevents air from entering the lungs, which causes asphyxia and death.
Causes of hives
It is very difficult for physicians to determine the true cause of the occurrence of urticaria in a patient. This symptom is universal for all diseases. Therefore, diagnosis plays an important role. Often we have to talk about the factor of heredity. Sometimes it is transmitted at the genetic level. In some, urticaria manifests itself from the slightest mechanical effect on the skin. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons.
Allergic urticaria
Already from the name itself, we can say that the allergen is the culprit of its appearance. With hay fever, urticaria is provoked by the pollen of wind-pollinated plants. Trees bloom first. Already at the end of March, people can feel the symptoms in full. Cereal plants bloom throughout the summer, and in autumn, patients suffer from the pollen of ambrosia and other weeds.
Very often, skin rashes appear due to exposure to foods. These include:
Citrus | Smoked meats | Chocolate |
red fruits | Semi-finished products | Alcohol |
Potato | Fish | Nutritional supplements |
All of these products have a high level of allergenicity. And their excessive consumption leads to food allergies. Chicken eggs are often not tolerated by the children's body. Don't introduce your baby too early. All artificial mixtures adversely affect the intestinal microflora and in no way contribute to the formation of the immune system. Another common food allergen is nuts. It is from them that a complication arises in the form of agnoedema.
Some medications cause allergic reactions. These include:
- antibiotics;
- Hormonal preparations;
- Medicines for the cardiovascular system;
- Some vitamins.
The disease is the main manifestation in solar allergies. It occurs from the first minutes of the patient's exposure to open sunlight. If the symptom is ignored, it develops into first and second degree burns. Less commonly, such a reaction occurs from the cold.
Urticaria non-allergic origin
If the occurrence of urticaria is not associated with allergies, then the cause may be mechanical squeezing of some parts of the body. This occurs when wearing tight shoes, a belt, or clothing. The risk zone includes people whose activities are associated with power physical exertion.
Often urticaria is psychological in nature. From frequent stay in stressful situations, experiences, anxiety, the body gives such a reaction. Unbalanced people suffer from this type, with sleep disorders. Children are especially susceptible. In an unfavorable situation in the family, they keep all the emotions in themselves, which leads to the disease. After all, it is not in vain that they say that it is forbidden to speak in raised tones in the presence of a child. Even with a baby, since emotions are stored on a subconscious level.
Urticaria is caused by the following diseases:
- infectious diseases;
- Frequent viral diseases;
- Gastritis;
- Diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
- Autoimmune diseases.
Types of urticaria
Having studied this symptom, doctors identified three of its forms: acute, recurrent, chronic. The acute form is characterized by its long-term presence: from several days to several weeks. Often manifested against the background of allergies or insect bites. Such urticaria is often accompanied by Quincke's edema. More common in women and children. The recurrent form is the most severe, as it is practically incurable. Periodically manifests itself throughout life. It can not be cured, only to maintain a normal state.
No less dangerous is the chronic form. If the rash does not go away for several months, then it is the place to talk about this particular form. It mainly occurs against the background of diseases of the liver, kidneys and the entire digestive system. Urticaria occurs due to intoxication of the body. Aggioedema is observed on the face. The throat and tongue are often affected.
How to treat hives?
Before starting its treatment, you need to understand its genesis. To do this, contact an allergist. They will conduct some tests, in particular skin tests, which will determine the main allergen. Allergy is the culprit in 90% of cases. It is necessary to be treated for the disease, and not for the symptoms in the form of urticaria. To remove its manifestations, various external ointments and creams are prescribed. But antihistamines will fight from the inside.
Sometimes doctors come to the conclusion that it would be appropriate to use immunotherapy. This type of treatment is characterized by the gradual systematic introduction of a small amount of the allergen under the skin. This is done in order to get used to the body to it, and the production of antibodies by the immune system to fight it. But this method takes a lot of time, so it is not suitable for everyone.
Urticaria can cause a lot of inconvenience, so an immediate remedy is needed. An ointment or cream will help with this. To choose it correctly, you need to take into account many factors, since there are ointments on a hormonal basis and without hormones. So, for chronic urticaria, only non-hormonal ointment is suitable. And to remove its acute form, you can use a cream containing hormones.
Hormonal ointment can only be prescribed by a doctor. The duration of its use is limited to a maximum of one week. This is due to its composition, which can affect the hormonal background of the patient and his endocrine system. The manifestations of urticaria disappear after a few minutes. Apply only once during the day. Sometimes even three or four times a week is enough. Sometimes a contraindication is childhood and pregnancy. These drugs include:
Advantan | Soderm | Elocom |
Lorinden S | Fluorocort | Sinaflan |
Non-hormonal ointment acts more gently. It can be applied an unlimited number of times and days. Therefore, it is actively used in the treatment of its chronic form. Such drugs have an anesthetic effect, cool the skin and relieve pain. In modern medicine, gels are used that do not leave a mark on clothes and oily sheen on the skin. Their safety has been proven by many studies, so there are no restrictions on their use. The disease will be cured with the help of the following of them:
Gistan | Wundehill | Desitin |
Bepanthen | Skin Cap | Fenistil |
Panthenol | La Cree | Mustela |
As for antihistamines, they are divided into three generations. Each subsequent has a minimum number of contraindications and possible adverse reactions. Among them it is worth noting the following:
Pipolfen | The drug blocks histamine receptors. Often used for hay fever. Removes symptoms such as rhinitis, urticaria, conjunctivitis, cough. It is allowed to take children in the form of an injection from the age of two months. |
Fenkarol | The tool is used when allergic reactions occur. If the indicated dosage is not observed, a feeling of nausea and dizziness may occur. Sometimes there is a headache, vomiting, disruptions in the rhythm of the heart. |
Diazolin | Doctors prescribe a drug to relieve skin rashes, dermatitis, acute urticaria. Children can take it from the age of one. But for pregnant women, it is contraindicated. |
cetirizine | It has a strong enough effect, therefore, in childhood it is used from the age of six. Helps relieve such allergic symptoms as nasal congestion, Quincke's edema, urticaria, dermatitis. It is released only on prescription from a doctor. |
Tavegil | Removes any allergic symptoms within an hour after use. The result is kept for a day. Sometimes it has a sedative effect. Contraindicated in people suffering from diseases of the liver and heart. |
Telfast | Eliminates seasonal and year-round urticaria. Helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Frees and cleanses the upper respiratory tract. In rare cases, it is prescribed for bronchial asthma. |
Claritin | Available in tablets and syrup. Convenient to use. Its use does not depend on food intake. Relieves manifestations associated with hay fever, food allergies, insect bites. Helps with skin diseases of unknown origin. |
Suprastin | First generation drug. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and begins its action. Recommended for all ages. It often has a sedative effect, which is why it is contraindicated in people whose activities are associated with concentration. |
If you find yourself with the first manifestations of urticaria, be sure to follow a hypoallergenic diet until you find out the cause of its occurrence. This will help cleanse the body and prevent re-entry and exposure to the allergen. To do this, completely rid your diet of such foods:
Fish | Confectionery | Confectionery |
eggs, milk | Alcohol | Ice cream |
Fat meat | Fruits and citruses | Carbonated drinks |
Eat vegetables with caution, especially potatoes and tomatoes. As for potatoes, they need to be soaked in water for a long time (from 6 to 10 hours). This will maximally remove starch from it, which is a powerful allergen. Try to eat more cereals and dried fruits. This will resume normal metabolism. Any kind of cabbage and zucchini is allowed to eat in unlimited quantities. In the case of mild manifestations, it is allowed to use natural yogurt and kefir without flavorings. It is useful to boil or bake dietary meats - turkey, rabbit and beef.
No matter how strange it may sound, but urticaria is treated with nettles. This herb is prepared for compresses. Boil several bunches of nettles in boiling water and leave to infuse. Soak a piece of cotton wool in this solution, picking up some of the herb. Apply to affected areas for half an hour. You will notice an improvement in the form of reduced swelling and redness. After a while, the itching will disappear. Nettle is used for oral consumption: mix two tablespoons of the component with a spoonful of chamomile flowers and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. After this time, let the broth cool down, which will allow it to brew. You need to drink at least half a glass three times a day.
Another plant that can remove all allergens from the body and free the patient from hives is a series. The herb has long been famous for its healing properties. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:
- 2 spoons of a string;
- 2 spoons of dandelion;
- 4 tablespoons of peppermint;
- 1 spoon of hawthorn;
- 2 spoons of celandine.
After mixing all this, pour two tablespoons of the mixture with boiling water in a thermos, and leave for 4 hours. Drink up to four times a day, after straining the drink. All of these herbs are great for medicinal baths. You can combine them any way you like. Populists recommend adding pine needles to a bath with water. This will help soothe inflamed skin. If there are no natural ingredients at hand, drip the essential oil of fir, pine, eucalyptus and lemon balm.
To prepare an ointment at home, you need not many components. Mix rice starch with glycerin and aloe juice with petroleum jelly. These two products are applied in a thin layer to the damaged areas. Aloe juice can be used as a lotion. Lotions from grated cabbage or potatoes will be useful.
Prevention measures
To prevent the disease from overtaking you, you need to follow simple rules. The most important thing is to strengthen the immune system. A healthy lifestyle will help with this. Give up bad habits and discover an interesting sport. Swimming will help to harden the body, and meditation and yoga will help strengthen the nervous system. Pay attention to the condition of your liver. If necessary, seek the help of doctors for the appointment of herbal medicine.
Be careful during flowering. Try to be less in nature. When you get home, take a shower - this will wash allergenic pollen off your body. Rinse your nose, throat and face thoroughly. It is forbidden to stay in the sun for a long time. Give preference to tanning in the shade. A balanced, healthy diet will help protect you from hives.
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