At the present time, there are a lot of different diseases that can overtake young children. Among those in the 21st century, a very common ailment called allergic dermatitis is distinguished ....
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There were rashes from an allergy on the pope in a child
36 0 5076If a child has a rash on the pope, this is most likely due to the presence of an allergy. It is important to know and remember that allergens are everywhere, so you can pick them up while in the fresh air or simply at home ...
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Is asthma hereditary?
34 0 3847Many parents who suffer from respiratory dysfunction ask themselves: Is asthma hereditary? After all, no one would want a child to suffer from asthma attacks. Give clear answers to...
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Allergy to carrots in a child
33 1 3402The most common allergic reaction is food allergy. It is very common in young children and infants. This is due to the fragile immune system of the baby and the digestive tract ....
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Allergy in children
34 0 2579At the present time, there is a huge number of all kinds of ailments that our small, young creatures - children suffer from. Today we’ll talk about one fairly popular disease that kids face ....
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Allergic cough in a child
35 0 6049Every conscientious parent knows that the health of the child must be carefully monitored from birth. Due to a weak immune system, children often develop various diseases. Because immunity...
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How does an allergy to the mixture manifest?
36 0 7536Who, if not parents, will be anxious about the health of their child? It is they who spend every minute of their time near the baby, starting from the first days of his life. After all, a newborn is not able to say or ...
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Diet for allergies in a child
36 1 18348Allergies have now reached epidemic proportions. Most often, it first manifests itself in childhood, having a hereditary nature. In addition to antiallergic drugs, an important role in the treatment of the disease is played by ...
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Allergy to milk in a child
34 0 3315In this article, we will consider the causes, symptoms, and other points of an important ailment that overtakes little peanuts. Its name is Milk Allergy in Children. Very often, from almost every parent, you can hear ...
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Treatment of allergies in children
34 0 3045Allergies in children are quite common. This is facilitated by the immature immune system of the child, which can react extremely sharply to various environmental substances. As you get older, many cases...
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