Get tested for allergens

Every fifth inhabitant of our planet suffers from allergic phenomena in one form or another today. Allergy medicines are among the most popular on the pharmacological market, and today literally everyone is familiar with this phenomenon, although earlier these phenomena were isolated cases. Allergy symptoms cause significant inconvenience to the patient. It is very difficult to lead a normal life, to remain active when you are constantly haunted by sneezing, runny nose, body aches, watery eyes.

Often, the cause of an allergy is well known to the patient, who is able to identify it by observing the reactions of his body to certain stimuli coming from the environment. But in some cases, it is necessary to take tests for allergens in order to find out a specific irritant. After all, the best way to deal with allergies, today, is simply to protect yourself from contact with the allergen. Unfortunately, sometimes this is impossible, but to minimize the intake of the body and thereby reduce its harmful effects, you can always and everywhere.

Not all diagnostic measures for allergies are tests. So, for example, the elimination method is very common for food allergies, allergies to pollen or dust. This implies the gradual exclusion of a factor from a number of similar ones, on which there are suspicions, as the culprits of an allergic reaction. So, for example, this method works well for allergies to plant pollen, because it allows you to narrow the circle of likely instigators of allergies. After all, plants bloom only a few weeks a year, and you can clearly compare the flowering of the plant and the development of allergy symptoms.

The same method is used for food allergies. In this case, there is a variation in the products of the diet according to a certain scheme and constant monitoring of one's well-being.

Allergy symptoms

The symptomatology of allergic disorders, although extensive, nevertheless, its observation is an important method of diagnosis. There are several groups of symptom complexes. Allergy is characterized by the fact that the symptoms of this disease develop only after contact with the allergen. Allergy symptoms include:

  1. Manifestations in the nasopharynx: development of swelling of the nasal sinuses, discharge of a transparent color, discomfort in the nose;
  2. Eye manifestations: irritation, redness of the eyes and adjacent areas, the formation of a crust in the eyelids, tearing, fear of light, pain and burning in the eye area;
  3. Manifestations on the surface of the skin: changes in the color and structure of the skin, burning, itching and peeling, redness, the appearance of rashes, of different structure and localization.
  4. Also, patients may notice symptoms that are similar to respiratory viral manifestations, migraine attacks, asthmatic symptoms, irritability, sleep disturbances.

Allergy Tests

Modern diagnostic methods include various measures that are both specific for allergic diseases and general tests to diagnose the current state of health.

Specific tests for allergies can determine:

  1. The presence of an allergic reaction;
  2. The specific allergen or group of allergens that provoke them;
  3. The severity of allergies;
  4. Confirm or remove suspicions of diseases with similar symptoms

Carrying out analyzes requires the presence of qualified specialists, as well as special equipment and appropriate conditions for carrying out. Without fail, you must adhere to the preliminary procedures and the correct conditions for the collection of biological material, which will be introduced to you at the clinic or diagnostic center. Without following the relevant rules, the results of the analyzes may be directly opposite to the actual state of affairs.

Skin tests

Skin tests, as the name implies, are based on the reaction of the skin, which either appears after contact with the allergen, or is absent, which serves as the basis for the results of the analysis. There are various ways to perform skin tests: applying the material to the skin, injecting with a syringe, dipping into incisions, etc. In each specific case, one or more methods of working with the surface are distinguished.

Skin tests are a reliable way to diagnose the selective sensitivity of the body to certain allergens. The problem is that this method involves direct contact of the patient with the allergen. The body's sensitivity to certain allergens is an unpredictable thing, so it is impossible to predict the development of dangerous complications or their absence. Skin tests must be carried out in a medical hospital, since complications can develop slowly, over the next few days, after contact with the allergen.

If skin tests did not give a positive result, which may be due not only to a lack of sensitivity, but also to an insufficient predisposition to an immune response from epidermal tissues. Then provocative tests are prescribed, in which a solution of alleged allergens is applied to the mucous membranes. This method is more sensitive, since the mucous membranes absorb the active substance more actively, as a result of which the allergens enter the bloodstream in a higher concentration in a shorter period of time. But this method is also associated with high risks of complications.

Antihistamines and corticosteroids should be stopped well in advance of skin testing because these drugs suppress immune activity.

Due to the increased risk of developing complications, skin and provocative tests are not performed among the elderly, young children and pregnant women, as well as at the time of exacerbation of allergy symptoms.

Blood test for antibodies

In order to understand the mechanism for determining blood parameters for antibodies, it is necessary to know the mechanisms of the development of an allergic reaction and what place antibodies themselves occupy in these processes.
And so, antibodies are special human immune cells that are responsible for recognizing potential threats. Their chemical affinity with the molecules of certain harmful elements (parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc.). Antibodies are needed to trigger the body's immune response. There are quite a few subspecies of them, each of which is responsible for recognizing specific threats. With allergies, we are interested in the level of general and specific antibodies.

General antibodies (IgE) - this immunoglobulin is standard for all allergic reactions, and therefore is called "general". In allergic reactions, its level increases sharply and distinctly, compared with normal values. A high level of antibodies of a general type serves as a signal that an allergic reaction is present.

Special antibodies are substances that have unique characteristics due to the formation of a bond between common antibodies and areas of allergen substances. As a result, a molecular complex with unique biochemical characteristics is formed. Based on this, the source of the allergic reaction is diagnosed.

Substances that cause allergies

Allergy, as such, can be to any substances, as well as products of their biochemical transformations in the body. But nevertheless, in the vast majority of cases, there are common allergens that most often cause an allergic reaction:

  • Mold spores;
  • Household and dust mites;
  • Animal wool, which contains substances formed during their life;
  • plant pollen;
  • Intense ultraviolet radiation, which provokes the formation of substances that cause allergic reactions in some people;
  • Food;
  • Medications;
  • Some metals, as well as their salts;

Pseudoallergic reactions

These reactions are characterized by the entire list of allergy symptoms, but they have a specific development mechanism that is different from the allergic one. They provoke allergic reactions not due to contact with antibodies, but directly affect the metabolism of hormones and factors that contribute to the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Such conditions can occur as a result of the ingestion of certain foods, drugs, dysbacteriosis and other pathological conditions.

Allergy Prevention

The first thing to do in the prevention of any allergic phenomena is to avoid contact with the allergen. Despite all the variety of allergens, it all comes down to either the presence of a substance that itself provokes allergic reactions, or a substance or environmental conditions (excessive solar activity, frostbite of the skin, etc.). Eliminating contact with the allergen is a reliable way to prevent allergic disorders.

During an allergic reaction, it is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that can increase allergic symptoms (tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries and currants, cocoa beans, bee products, oranges, tangerines and grapefruits, seafood). Avoid tobacco and alcohol use.

With respiratory and skin manifestations, it must be taken into account that animal hair, as well as cosmetics and household chemicals, provoke the body's sensitivity, being an additional irritating factor. Lead a healthy active lifestyle and a balanced diet, which is an important factor in the functioning of the immune system and the normal state of general health. Pay close attention to your night's rest. Without a good night's sleep, any immune system will fail.

Seek help from a competent specialist and follow the course of treatment. Do not self-medicate, as allergy medications have side effects that can be manifested or aggravated if used incorrectly.

If possible, go to a resort in places with a good ecological situation to give the body time for proper rest and recovery. Try to minimize everyday stresses that have an unpredictable effect on the body.

Adhere to standard precautions for allergies of your specification.
For example, do not eat food that is not well tolerated, if you have a food allergy. If you are allergic to dust and pollen, you must use all means that help minimize the ingress of allergens.

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