Allergic diseases are the curse of modernity. Now it can be seen more and more often. Today - every fifth inhabitant of our planet. The constant introduction of new substances, occurring with ...
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allergy pills during pregnancy
18 0 2726Today, every fifth inhabitant of the earth suffers from allergies. Since the 70s of the last century, each subsequent decade has increased several times the number of patients with allergies. This...
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Allergy tests in children
21 0 2296Allergy is rightfully the disease of our century. Every year the number of allergy sufferers is increasing. This is especially true for children, whose body is formed in the adverse conditions of modern ecology....
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flower allergy cure
23 0 3118Allergy to flowering is provoked by the pollen of various plants, which contains allergens. Unfortunately, it is not possible to avoid an allergy to the flowering of some plants by avoiding contact with the allergen ...
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Allergy testing for a child
20 0 2290Allergy, unfortunately for parents, is a hereditary disease. In 8 cases out of 10, in couples where both parents are allergic, the child is also born with an allergy, this statistic is half as low with one ...
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Allergy during pregnancy
19 0 2689Allergy is a very common disease these days. Quite often, allergy sufferers are people living in areas with unfavorable ecology. It is very sad that every year the number of people...
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21 0 7032Allergy is a disease that is the result of a defect in the immune system, expressed in an inadequate immune response to substances that are generally safe. Allergies, literally, can be on anything ...
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