Allergy to flowering plants is one of the most common forms of allergy. At the same time, its source is also widespread. Plants are found everywhere, without them it is simply impossible to live. And it's not worth it, because such ...
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allergies and pregnancy
21 0 3528It would be correct to call an allergy not a disease, but a violation. This violation affects the human immune system, which, when allergic, exhibits pathological activity to harmless factors that, when ...
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What does a sun allergy look like?
19 0 2920Allergy to the sun is a violation of the immune system, during which an increased sensitivity of the body to those components that are produced when ultraviolet radiation hits the skin is formed. Also...
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How to get rid of an allergy to flowering
18 0 3495If you feel that after hitting a certain substance that is harmless in its essence (bee honey, plant pollen, cat hair), you feel itching, inflammation, sneezing, you watery ...
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skin allergy
20 0 4415A skin allergy is a reaction of the skin of a person suffering from allergic diseases to an allergen. The skin in these places is covered with pimples or small blisters, there are also ...
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Sun allergy ointment
21 0 6483Allergy to the sun is a phenomenon of increased sensitivity of the body to sunlight, in which typical manifestations of allergic reactions develop. Scientifically, this phenomenon is called...
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Allergy in spring to bloom
21 0 3413Spring allergy to flowering is a fairly common occurrence. It manifests itself when a person with a predisposition to allergies comes into contact with the pollen of a male allergen plant. This pollen contains...
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Flower allergy pills
19 0 2665Allergies are becoming more and more common in today's world. Of course, descriptions of this disease were found in the writings of Hippocrates and Avicena, who lived long before us. However, in those early days...
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Skin allergy ointment
21 0 3204Allergy often has skin manifestations, it mainly occurs when food, cosmetics or drugs are intolerant. The use of ointments for allergies allows you to eliminate ...
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Allergy eye drops
19 0 7759Allergy is a rather severe disease. Its manifestations cause the patient to experience significant discomfort and some deprivation in everyday life. Among the main signs of allergies are ...
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