Allergy during pregnancy

Allergy is a very common disease these days. Quite often, allergy sufferers are people living in areas with unfavorable ecology. It is very sad that every year the number of people who suffer from allergies is increasing. Today we will talk about pregnant women, more precisely about their allergies.

We will find out if allergies during pregnancy affect the future little baby, get acquainted with the possible symptoms of allergies. We will also consider the features of therapy, nutrition, and prevention.

Effect on the fetus

The changes occurring in the body throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity endure with some danger.
You should always remember that any medicine for allergies should be prescribed by a doctor, because only he can tell you what drugs, what dosages you need to take during this important life period.

I would like to note that allergens (substances that cause the development of the disease) do not cross the placenta. This means that they cannot affect the fetus in the womb. Allergens begin to appear slowly after the birth of the baby. In this case, the little baby will face a negative reaction to all the substances that his mother suffered during all nine months.

Now let's make a small conclusion.
Allergy is a disease that can be inherited. It is noteworthy, but such a fact does not guarantee that the baby will necessarily suffer from this disease, because the genes of the pope, who does not suffer from allergies, can win.

The danger of self-medication

Self-therapy, neglect of going to the doctor, have extremely negative consequences. You need to know that most of the drugs can cause the development of various heart diseases, negatively affect the nervous system. By the way, taking the wrong medications contributes to impaired blood flow between two related blood cells - mother and baby. This is the main source of life of the child. In this situation, there may be a lack of oxygen, various nutrients.

Another number of negative consequences that an allergy can easily cause during the period of gestation include any complications of the mother's health. Yes, the child is very sensitive and can feel the poor condition of his mother (even ordinary fatigue or a runny nose). Therefore, fetal hypoxia can often be the result of a lack of oxygen, and difficulty breathing is observed in diseases such as anaphylactic shock, bronchial asthma.

Allergy: signs

Now consider the main symptoms inherent in allergies. Women may suddenly start sneezing, lacrimation appears. Also, the disease is characterized by swelling of the nasal mucosa, the release of serous fluid from the nose, swelling of the throat. One popular symptom is a very severe cough. Often there are skin rashes in the form of acne, various blisters. In addition, spots form on the skin that itch and are dry.

Sometimes there is a change in the structure, color of the skin. In addition, allergies are characterized by symptoms of conjunctivitis: inflammation of the eyes, increased susceptibility to light, crusting on the eyelids. During pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed by other negative symptoms. Anaphylactic shock is characterized by:

  • blockage of the airways;
  • spasms in the larynx, bronchi.

In such cases, there is a high risk of death, so you should immediately seek medical help. With angioedema, pregnant women will feel swelling of the joints, skin, lips, and any other tissues. A big danger is swelling of the larynx.

It is this symptom that greatly complicates the process of breathing, can cause the death of a pregnant woman. Allergies cause a lot of different manifestations that have a negative impact on the body of the expectant mother. For example, this disease causes an increase in body temperature, irritability, a weak, lethargic state.

Allergy Features

An unusual reaction of the immune system to various external factors is what constitutes such an ailment as an allergy. The immunity of the fair sex begins to work in a completely different way. As a result, it is impossible to predict how the body of a pregnant woman will react to tangerines, pollen, and other factors that provoke the development of the disease. Allergies during pregnancy can affect both girls of 18 years old and women who are much older.

Note that the likelihood of developing allergies increases after the age of thirty-five. During the first three months of the pregnancy period, there is a high probability of an allergy to the fetus in the womb. But do not worry, because this condition goes away on its own, when the body adapts to an unusual fetus for it.

The immune system is very susceptible to the environment, foods that make up the daily diet of pregnant women. For example, the body is able to respond poorly to cosmetics, drugs, dust, animals. That is why you should be very careful, careful with food, the environment.

How to be a true allergy sufferer?

Allergy can go into the stage of exacerbation in women who have been suffering from it for more than one year. It is important to know that if you are planning to become pregnant, contact your doctor first. He will select an individual course of therapy that will contribute to the maximum elimination of symptoms, an acute process of an allergic reaction.

I would like to point out one important positive fact. Cortisol is a hormone that is produced in the female body during pregnancy in fairly large quantities. Note that cortisol is anti-allergic. It is he who contributes to the removal of faster symptoms or the complete elimination of the disease, like an allergy.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to fully cure an allergic reaction. But there are a number of ways to get rid of its unpleasant symptoms. If you try to exclude the influence of the allergen, it is likely that the pregnancy will proceed normally, without the presence of an allergy. Now we can conclude - you need to stop contact with allergens as soon as possible.

Remember, prescribing drugs is the task of doctors! After all, pregnancy is an important period and the negative impact of drugs on the future baby should not be allowed. In the 21st century, the pharmacological market offers many such drugs. When, with allergies, rashes on the skin are observed, doctors prescribe various ointments and creams that eliminate these symptoms.

Remember, self-medication is strictly prohibited!

Popular drugs

During pregnancy, anti-allergy drugs are often prescribed, such as:

  • Allertec;
  • Claritin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Suprastin;
  • Feksadin.

In addition to the above, doctors often advise Enterosgel during pregnancy. Its main function is to bind allergens in the intestines, removing them from the body of a pregnant woman. Note that during treatment with Enterosgel there is no malabsorption of vitamins, minerals, various nutrients.

By the way, this medicine can be taken during lactation. An important reason for this is the possibility of penetration of food components that a nursing mother eats. When they are in mother's milk, they can cause an allergic reaction in a little peanut.

Preventive measures

Pregnant women are advised to strictly adhere to a special diet that excludes all products that contain substances provocateurs of an allergic reaction. Allergic women need to follow a strict hypoallergenic diet from the first days of gestation.

Foods with a high allergenicity index include:

  • honey, various varieties of nuts;
  • raspberries and strawberries;
  • eggs and milk;
  • various seafood;
  • citrus fruits, tomatoes;
  • cheese, chocolate, chicken.

Salted, canned, pickled and spicy foods are also prohibited. It is advisable to eat soft vegetables, fruits. For example, include cucumbers, cabbage, apples, potatoes, zucchini in your menu. It is worth giving preference to low-fat varieties of poultry, meat - turkey, veal. The recommended cooking method is boiling. Porridges are also an integral part of the diet during pregnancy.


Smoking, contact with various allergens is strictly prohibited. These include:

  • animals;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetical tools.

You need to clean the house more often: carefully vacuum the carpets, wash the floors, wipe the dust, and ventilate. After the birth of a baby, it is best to give preference to breast milk, because it is the best vitamin product that a little peanut can eat.

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of beautiful ladies, so you need to take it with responsibility in order to give birth to a healthy baby. Today we discussed in detail an important topic - allergies during pregnancy. Now you know the many specifics inherent in this disease. Remember that treatment is carried out only under medical supervision.

Self-medication is forbidden to practice. Questions regarding allergies that occur during pregnancy and not only, ask our doctor!

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